《𝟘𝟜: 𝔸 𝕤𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥》

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In the end, the attack on the USJ is seen as nothing more than a petty attempt to ruin the school's reputation, at least that's what the news has reported

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In the end, the attack on the USJ is seen as nothing more than a petty attempt to ruin the school's reputation, at least that's what the news has reported. The day after the events the news briefly reported a group of low-profile thugs managed to break into the prestigious hero school but were quickly caught before quickly moving on to a different subject. Under Suki's request, the media received very little information.

They kept a secret about how two villains managed to escape the USJ attack; the heroes identify them as Shikgaraki Tomura and Kurogiri as the main perpetrator behind the attack. However, neither of those names is recognized in the database. It's highly possible those names could be aliases, and the police will further investigate their true identities.

And they also kept a secret behind the terrifying creature that couldn't possibly be human, Nomu. It took several heroes to subdue Nomu, and they couldn't fully restrain Nomu until the police arrived with backup. After the two villains escaped, Nomu was much more compliant and followed any instructed order without trouble.

But in the end, over half of the heroes received injuries from Nomu alone. Ectoplasm received a broken arm, Vlad King broke a few ribs, and so on. Luckily, Recovery Girl easily healed all of their injuries with no problem.

The main reason why so many heroes were injured was solely caused by Nomu, it's reported that Nomu possesses multiple quirks. It was quickly discovered during the battle that Nomu possessed super regeneration and shock absorption, and it became increasingly obvious that Nomu was the one who was supposed to fight All Might. After a quick analysis of Nomu's DNA, it was discovered that Nomu was originally a small-time thug who went missing months ago. Somehow, the thug had their body modified to the point they are no longer recognizable.

The police's top priority is finding Shigaraki and Kurogiri, but Susumu doesn't care about them, he's far more interested in Nomu's existence. Not only was Nomu's body modified but so was its mind. Nomu became an obedient supersoldier. Nomu obeyed any order without complaint and wouldn't answer any question or speak at all as if Nomu doesn't have a mind. Susumu is extremely curious about how this could be possible. It appears the police knew more than they were implying, especially the head-detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, but it doesn't seem like he's planning to tell Susumu anything, unfortunately. He could tell Detective Tsukauchi is trying his best to avoid him.

Technically, Susumu's only job is to find the traitor within the school. He was instructed to leave the rest of the investigation alone and solely focus on his search for the traitor, but where's the fun in that? Something fun and interesting appears and how could he leave that alone? It's only a hunch for now, but Susumu suspects this is all connected to something huge, something that possibly affects everyone's future. He doesn't know exactly how yet, but if someone has the power to alter someone's DNA to make them mindless soldiers then who'd say they wouldn't create an entire army? There's no way Shigaraki or Kurogiri was a part of Nomu's creation, Shigaraki is too immature and Kurogiri is responsible for taking care of the man-child. Nomu was created by someone far more intelligent and powerful, perhaps this person is the true mastermind?

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