《𝟘𝟛: 𝕄𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟》

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The students of class 1-A all gathered around fully dressed in their hero costumes, they're currently waiting for the bus to take them to their next hero lesson. Most of the students expressed their excitement after being informed they were going to have a recuse lesson with three pro heroes.

A happy pink teenager, known as Ashido Mina, squeals enthusiastically, "I'm so excited! We're going to do rescue missions! How cool is that!?" The others around her nod in agreement.

"I know right! I wonder who's going to teach us?" Kirishima Eijiro asked.

"Ooo! I hope it's Present Mic! Or maybe Midnight!" Kaminari Denki said, slightly drooling by imagining their x-rated pro hero Midnight in her hero costume. Right next to him, a short grape-headed student nodded in agreement.

"Dude, I don't think they do rescue missions." Hanta Sero informed his classmate. Kaminari whined and complained something about 'not letting him dream', the others laughed.

Shouto Todoroki drowned out his classmate's conversations, he doesn't want to talk to anyone, after all, he's here to become a hero not to make friends unlike most of his classmates. He's still thinking about what Susumu said to him yesterday, he stares at his left hand.

He's in a losing war against Endeavor? What utter nonsense. A losing war? What does Susumu know? He doesn't. He's only eleven, he wasn't around to experience the trauma as he did, and he wasn't there to see their mother at her breaking point. He doesn't understand the only reason why they're both born is that they're the results of a quirk marriage; for Endeavor to have a child with the perfect quirk. 

How could Shouto be losing when he's doing the exact opposite of what Endeavor wanted? How is he losing when he rejects his left side? Of course, he isn't losing, it's just Susumu doesn't understand anything he's saying.

"Todoroki." His teacher called for him, snapping him out of his trance. "You have a younger brother, right?" Shouto raises a brow and nods his head. "Are you close with him?"

"Why would you want to know that?" He asked cautiously.

Aizawa looked away and rubbed his neck to relieve the tension, "nevermind, forget I said anything."

Before Shouto could question anything else Aizawa walked away and their class representative, Iida Tenya, started calling for everyone to form two lines to enter the bus that had just arrived.

Throughout the entire ride Aizawa paid extremely close attention to his students, they were making friendly small talk, and nothing could imply any of them were suspicious. He sees in the corner of his eye Todoroki staring at him with an uncertain look in his eye, he internally curses at himself for asking him about his brother. Todoroki will no doubt start to be more suspicious of his teacher but there's nothing Aizawa could do now.

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