The big question- sommeliershipping

Start from the beginning

"Maybe it is, but that's what brothers are for." Cress smiled. "Now, let's get started."

So, after a lot more encouragement, and practically dragging Cilan away, Cress and Chili helped their brother come up with a plan to propose to his long term girlfriend. Even helped him practice what he was going to say.

There was a lot of trial and error with the planning process. Mostly do to Cilan's nerves, but with his brothers help he was able to get back on track.

Soon everything was set and ready, but Cilan's nerves were still on edge. How was he supposed to do this?

"Cilan, you need to chill." Chili sighed.

"I can't." Cilan mumbled.

"Well, you better hurry and calm down, because she is coming and you doing want to spoil the surprise too soon." Cress cut in.

"Or you might make a bigger fool of yourself." Chili muttered under his breath.

Which earned him a small smack on the back of his head from Cress. Chili rubbed the sort spot with a pout, but knew he deserved it.

"What?" Cilan yelped, whipping around to see his girlfriend.

There she was, looking absolutely beautiful. She had on a simple, yet lovely maroon dress and her curly purple hair was pulled up into a elegant messy bun.

"Hey Cilan!" Burgundy smiled brightly.

His nerves were already bad before, but seeing her look so beautiful only made it worse. How was he supposed to serve this moment, let alone asking her to marry him?

"Evening Burgundy." Chili interjected, saving Cilan.

"Hi Chili." Burgundy greeted.

"Are you ready for an extra special dinner tonight? Cilan prepared something really amazing." Cress remarked.

"Oh really?" Burgundy asked, turning to her boyfriend.

Cilan only nodded in reply. Gosh his throat was so dry and his palms were so sweaty. Why couldn't it be the other way around? He shook his head at the thought of dry cracked hands and a drooling mouth. Nope, neither one was a really good option.

"Are you okay?" Burgundy asked, snapping him back to reality.

"Yeah...Yes! I'm fine." Cilan replied.

He managed a smile, though it was a bit wonky. Burgundy gave him a skeptical look, but didn't ask again.

"Alright. Would you like to go in, or are we going to spend all night outside?" Burgundy joked.

"Right, let's go." Cilan said, holding his arm out for Burgundy to take.

Her smile grew at the gesture and she happily looped her arm around his. Cilan walked them inside his family owned restaurant and over to the table he had set for them.

He pulled out her chair for her before he took a seat himself.

"Thank you." Burgundy

She smiled at Cilan and for the first time that day, he was able to genuinely smile.

For a while, they chatted and ate the delicious food that Cilan and his brothers had created. Everything was wonderful and pleasant. At least, until the very topic came back up again.

"So, what's the special occasion?" Burgundy asked.

And that was the end of the calm Cilan. He pulled at the suddenly super tight collar of his shirt.

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