She pulls back and a spark is in her eyes as she takes my hand and begins to pull me inside. I have no idea where we were going until she leads us to the stairs, towards the bedrooms. The rational part of my mind tells me that this is a bad idea, but the part that is hazed over by booze trumps it and I let Emma lead me upstairs.

~Jin's POV~

Worry. That emotion has been with me for the past six hours. It's almost seven, for goodness sakes and Namjoon still hasn't come home. This is ridiculous, how can he think that I would do something so cruel as have a lover? And now he is out there somewhere, distressed and angry and I'm so damn worried something is going to happen to him.

"Hyung, you're going to hurt yourself." Yoongi says coming up to me as I wheel myself back and forth, trying to calm myself.

"I'm sitting in a wheelchair, Yoongi, how can I hurt myself?" ask.

"You will get your hands caught in the wheels, stop." He urges as I continue to rock myself. He places his hand on my shoulder and I let go of the wheels, bringing my chair to a stop. "I know you are worried, I am too, but we just have to wait. He will be home soon."

"Have you talked to him?" I ask hopeful.

Yoongi shakes his head. "No, his phone just rings and rings. But I'm sure he just needs time to clear his head, he will be back soon."

"I hope you're right."

Before Yoongi can say anything else, my mom walks into the living room with a mask of worry. "Yoongi, is Namjoon back?"

"No, why?"

"I just got off the phone with the lawyer." She says.

"And? Jungkook is going to be eighteen in a month, his parents can't do anything, right?"

"Yoongi, he was granted emancipation but if he is still a minor, if the courts think that it would be best for his health to be with his parents, they can revoke the emancipation. And, well, his parents have been keeping an eye on him as they put it."

"They have been spying on him." I deadpan.

"Yeah, and they seem to think they have a case to get him back."

"What?" Yoongi gasps. "What kind of case? Jungkook is fine!"

"Yoongi." I try to calm him, I also know what my mom's face means because I'm pretty sure Jungkook's parents are thinking the same thing I did when I saw him this morning. "I know you love him and you can't, or don't want to see what's going on but Jungkook is sick. He looks depressed and he is losing too much weight."

"You think I don't know that?" Yoongi demands, he takes a hand through his blonde hair making it messy. "I just don't know what to do anymore, he won't let me help him. It breaks my heart to see him like this, but I can't do anything!"

He sits on the couch his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking. I wheel my chair over to him, I rub his back lightly. "I'll talk to him, okay? It's going to be okay, he will get over it. Remember, he doesn't mean to hurt you, he is just too hurt himself right now."

Yoongi takes a ragged breath before looking up at me, his eyes red rimmed and pleading. "I just want him to understand it, it's not his fault."

I nod. "Go get him, the sooner we do this the better."

He nods and gets up, going to his room down the hall. "You are an amazing brother, my sweet son." My mom says coming over to me and giving me a kiss on the head.

"Thank you." I say. She smiles before walking back towards the kitchen, the phone in her hand is ringing.

I sigh, I know how hard it is to feel guilty for something, especially if it wasn't your fault. As much as people try to tell you that it is not your fault, you can't believe them. But Jungkook has to understand that he is not only hurting himself but Yoongi and I'm sure Namjoon too.

Namjoon. Where the Hell is he?

Before I can start dwelling on that subject again, Jungkook walks into the living room. His hair is a mess and the dark shadows under his eyes are a sign of sleepless nights. His black T-shirt and blue jeans seem to hang off his body because of the weight he had lost, he looks hollow. His face registers sadness and hopelessness.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He asks in a lifeless voice.

Nodding I say. "Sit down, we need to talk."

He doesn't say anything and just does as I tell him too. When he is sitting on the couch in front of me, I turn to look at him. He is looking at his hands in his lap. His shoulders are dropping and it tugs at my heart to see him like this, I consider him my little brother too.

"Jungkook, look at me." I say in a gentle voice. Lifting his head he stares at me, his chocolate eyes flat. "You need to stop this, I know how hard it must have been for you to have to deal with your best friend trying to hurt your boyfriend but it's in the past."

Sorry cliffhanger 😈 Bad Namjoon! I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

How is Jungkook going to react? And poor Jin, he is waiting for Namjoon...

I hope Jin can help Jungkook, he looks not good.

Stay tuned and beautiful! 💜

Peace out ✌️

(Sequel) I Fell For His Brother (Namjin)Where stories live. Discover now