Missed you brother

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A/N- Hi! I'm so excited to finally begin the story. The other chapters were mostly for backstory. I might return to them and write some more later.


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  ...I deserved a better goodbye


        'We are gonna bring them back, right grandpa?'

Henry held his book close, a sad look in his eyes. How could he still have undying hope even in moments like that was admirable, guess it runs in the family. David was pacing around the room in an attempt to calm himself down. He didn't want the little boy to panic as well.

       'Henry, it's late you should go to sleep.' Talya spoke as she entered the small apartment.

David visibly relaxed when he met her gaze. He kissed Henry's head before pushing him towards the stairs. The two siblings waited until the little boy was out of sight to let their masks crumble. They sat opposite from each other at the small table, David's hand reaching out for Talya's.

              'We are gonna get them back.' He said.

               'We will try with everything we have, that's for sure.' She answered reserved.

It made David frown. She didn't match the hope in his eyes. She always had had hope. Since the curse broke they'd been running around trying to solve problem after problem. He didn't really have time to look at her, really look at her.
    But now that he did, he finally took notice of the dark circles under her eyes. The way even now, when it was just him there, she still stood tense, ready to jump into a fight. And her eyes...her beautiful brown eyes that used to be full of life and joy. They turned cold, distant. A wall had been built from pain, lost and loneliness. It made David's heart ache.

             'What happened to you? You've darkened.' He said in disbelief.

Talya laughed like he had just asked the stupidest question she has ever heard. She only stopped when she noticed the broken look on David's face.

             'James...I thought you were all dead. You, Snow, Robin, Will, my Merry Men, you were all gone.' She explained.

            'W-why would you think that?!' He asked again, his voice raising.

  Talya's eyes widened as she felt her anger grow, anger that hid so much pain. She knew he raised his voice only because the stress of losing both his wife and daughter was a heavy weight on his shoulders. And yet she didn't refrain herself from responding in the same tone.

            'What was I supposed to think?! I don't know if you remember but you pushed me into that wardrobe. You never gave me a choice, the choice to stand by you just like you promised. You took that away from me! And then I wake up in this new world I know nothing about, where magic is a myth! I was alone with a child and you were all gone. You were all gone! I DIDN'T KNOW IF ANY OF YOU WERE ALIVE OR NOT! MY HOME WAS GONE! You promised that we will always stand by each others sides. You promised me always. ' Talya broke, but she refused to let any more tears fall. 'I know you wanted Emma safe, but that didn't give you the right to take my choice from me. I didn't want to be all alone again. You promised not to leave me alone like my parents did. You promised not to force me into anything without my consent. And yet you broke all those promises the moment you pushed me into that wardrobe.' She saw the blow of her words land before she even finished her sentence. 'You were supposed to be my brother.'

  David froze at her last word, she had never called him that. He didn't realize, the day of the curse, what he actually did to her. He hadn't had the time to stop and think about what it would mean for her when he pushed her into the wardrobe. He did what her parents had done, what her lover had done, what every other person she had gotten close to had done. He had sent her away, left her alone.

               'The day of the c-curse...I couldn't lose you too.' He answered, his voice barely above a whisper.

              'Which should have been my choice.' She sounded calm, collected.

Talya pushed all her anger back inside and chose her next words carefully.

             'I tried to hate you, but like someone once told me you can't hate someone you love. I am not sure how much of the me you knew is still here. So, yes you can say I've darkened but I had the bloody right to.' She met his watery eyes. 'I'm not mad at you.' She added.

 ...But I don't think I can trust anyone else ever again either, remained the unspoken words. David brought her into a tight hug, tears streaming down his face.

            'I love you so much, my sister.'


 The next morning the whole town was gathered in front of the Town Hall. They were all recovering from the curse. Most of them were trying to find their loved ones and families. There was chaos, no organization as the people started to panic.

            'This is getting out of hand.' The Mother Supreme came up to Ruby.

The two women pushed their way through the crowd, offering help where needed.

           'It's okay. It'll be fine. We just need everyone to remain calm. I have a feeling our prince and shadow are working on something right now. Charming and Talya know what to do.'  Ruby reassured her.


   Charming and Talya did not know what to do.

              'We have to go to the Town Hall.' The thief said.

David shook his head, pacing around the kitchen.

             'What we have to do is bring Snow and Emma back.' He responded.

Henry just looked between the two, holding his book close to his chest like he always did.

           'James! I want them back too, but you are not only a husband and father. You are also a prince. Right now the people are panicking, your people.'

David sighed loudly, resting his head in his hands. She was right, she was always right.

          'What do you expect me to do?'

He didn't understand how Talya could be so fucking calm.

           'You are gonna go wash your face, put on a new shirt and get out that door. You are gonna go an give your people one of those hope speeches you seem to love giving. They will calm down a little, enough for us to be able to organize everyone.'

 David nodded as he went to do as she said.

            'You have to give order in chaos.' She added.

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