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hello hellooooo! i'm currently looking at hotels to book for my graduate school interview. i'm already spending money i don't have 🙃

if this feels rushed, it is! i was wayyy to distracted this week to finalize some of the points here sooo oops?👀

also i've been dying to listen to the new audio on quinn from victoria pedretti. if y'all know me, y'all KNOW SHES A BIG CRUSH OF MINE. i will be dying until further notice🫠

since there is only one more chapter after this one, there will NOT be any trigger warnings because they contain spoilers. if you're hesitant to read, please feel free to message me so I can tell them to you😊

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

word count: 3661

The queen sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. She missed her old bedroom. She missed the comfort she found in there. Every night she was reminded that she was alone because of these new walls. She got up, not looking to wallow in misery longer than necessary.

Y/n had made her way out of the palace and towards the garden area. Instead of going to sit at the usual table, she opted to go to the fountain not too far away from there. She couldn't stand sitting at the table anymore. She sat on the cold, concrete edge before looking up at the night sky, praying for a miracle.

"I know you said to come to the garden whenever I had questions, and I have a lot," Y/n said and crossed her legs. "What do I do? The man I am supposed to marry is brilliant, caring, and loving, but he is not what I crave. The true love of my life is cold with me because of my own flaws and refusal to break these goddamn rules for once. I'm losing her for good, and I cannot do anything to keep her here. Lord knows if she even wants anything to do with me anymore."

Y/n could feel herself start to cry. Since everyone in the palace was asleep, she gladly let herself have this moment of weakness.

At least she thought everyone was asleep.

"Emily is marvelous. With one simple glance, it's like she already knows what is going through my mind. It is as if we've known each other our whole lives. She looks at me with such curiosity and empathy that it makes my skin crawl because nobody has ever looked at me like that. It's like she wants to crawl into the deepest corner of my mind and unlock all these hidden feelings that have been banished away. I was used to people brushing me off, but when Emily does it, I can feel a part of myself chip away each time. It burns part of my soul I didn't know existed," Y/n said as the tears freely ran down her face. "I want her to be the one I marry. I want to spend my days learning everything from her. I want my picture taken on a polaroid by her during every possible night. I want to learn all the tricks about scrapbooking, profiling, and ways of the world outside of Nostia. I want to be completely and effortlessly enchanted by this woman that I'd give my life for it. I don't want to stand in front of a camera and pretend that I'm happy. I want to be happy. The kind of happiness that makes miserable people sick to their stomachs. The kind of happiness that makes me excited for the day, not dread it. I want that tooth aching happiness that is so sweet that it causes cavities."

Y/n shut her eyes tightly and buried her face into her hands. She tried to feel the presence of her grandmother there, but Y/n still felt lonely.

"I don't know what to do," Y/n said and pulled her hands away from her face. "I crave her so much that it makes me so angry. I hate having to pretend that I don't want to just throw caution to the wind and just have her in my arms for the rest of my days. I want her today, tomorrow, and every day after that. She is the first thing on my mind in the morning, and she's the last person I think about before I sleep. She's made me feel things that nobody can imagine. She makes me feel seen, heard, and important, not just as queen but as Y/n, the person without any royal ties. I don't know what to do—"

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