Kiss seals the deal

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He liked Mahaya and Mahaya liked him too. He wanted for them to be together so he was done playing games.

"Our relationship of course." He replied, making sure his accent was evident.

"I don't recall you asking me to be your girlfriend." Mahaya replied smoothly.

Why do girls always want to define what they have? Why cannot they be happy with what they just have, feel it, cherish it, enjoy it?

Yashraj took a deep breath.

He could answer two ways.

Either being angry and asking her if she went around kissing every other guy or being calm and mature and asking her if she didn't already know.

"Kiss seals the deal, baby." He said.

Mahaya chuckled.

"I suppose it does." She agreed.

Both of them were silent for a while.

"So when did you realise you like me?" Yashraj asked.

"Um...I don't know." She lied smoothly.

"Let me guess, it was the time when you stuck up those Justin Bieber posters, wasn't it?" Yashraj smirked.

Mahaya grumbled.

"And when did you realize you liked me? What is when you threatened Arjun to stay away?" She smirked wider.

Yashraj looked at her in surprise.

"You knew about that?"

Mahaya nodded, smiling.

"It was quite...entertaining to watch." She replied.

She then parked the car.

Both of them got into the elevator.

"Well, it had to be done. He is...irritating." Yashraj grumbled.

"He is wonderful. You were jealous." Mahaya told him as both of them waited for the elevator to move.

Yashraj could have accepted it but somehow, that wounded his ego so he decided to misdirect.

He leaned towards Mahaya, dangerously close to her face.

She was thanking her lucky stars that there weren't any cameras in the elevator.

"Yashraj, we are at work. Please step back." She pleaded though she didn't actually want him to.

This new feeling that she was feeling since yesterday felt so good that she never wanted to stop feeling it.

"Do you want me to?" He asked, smirking.



He nodded and then, kissing her quickly on the lips, he stepped back.

Mahaya didn't know what happened.

She could feel his lips on hers but it happened so fast, she didn't get time to respond. And she really wanted to respond.

"Bloody tease." She muttered and Yashraj smirked.

The doors opened to his floor and he stepped out, giving Mahaya a smile.

Mahaya tried to suppress the smile on the way to her office.

Though this game was childish, Mahaya enjoyed playing it.

"Here's your coffee." Bhavna said as soon as Mahaya stepped in.

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