I'm having a selection?

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POV Sophie

" OMG Sophie you're having a selection ball?!" Biana squealed. " Why didn't you tell me!"

" Wait... What I'm having a selection?"I ask.

" Yes?... Wait you didn't know. Your parents must have snuck it up on you cause I have the profiles of all the boys in it. Your mom told me to give them to you."

" Huh, I guess they wanted to surprise me." I barely whisper.

Biana must have supersonic hearing because she responded. " Yeah I guess so, anyways, wanna look through the profiles?"

I can't help but laugh at this. " Sure why not."

All the boys had put on extremely flattering outfits, some even daring to wear V-nack shirts. This disgusted me. All were more repulsive than the last, that is except for 4 of them. One had periwinkle eyes, strawberry blonde hair, and dimples his file said his name was Dex Dizznee. The second one had Pitch black hair styled into bangs with silver tips, he had silver-blue eyes that seem to be taking in everything, his smile was more like a smirk but it still classified as a smile. His name was Tam Song When we reached the second to last picture Bi squeaked. At first I was confused, then I saw his name this was Fitz Vacker Biana's older brother and my childhood crush. His teal eyes and movie-star smile had filled my dreams but any feelings for him had now dissipated. I flipped to the last picture and gasped this boy was wearing a simple white jerkin and brown leather pants but somehow he was the most handsome of all, his ice blue eyes were both piercing and playful, his blonde hair was carefully mussed almost as if he had styled it that way, and his smile, no his smirk was charming yet snarky.

" Sophie. Sophie." Biana's hand was snapping in my face.

" Wha?" I ask confused.

" You zoned out and were staring at that boys ( whoops wrong character) picture for 5 minutes.

" Sorry I was thinking." I mumble.

" Thinking about that Sencen boy?" BI asks with a smirk, it was nothing like the boy's smirk, what was his name?

I glance down at the file to see that his name is Keefe Sencen. Strange when I read that I felt shivers down my spine. Oh the window was open it must have just been a draft.

" Bi, could you close the window I'm getting cold." I ask.

Biana being my best friend, fashion adviser, and personal maid jumped up and closed the window. " You done with the files, if so I can put them up?" Bi asks.

" Sure, who do you think your brother got in?" I ask, quite puzzled. My older sister had never had a selection she had been assassinated on her sixteenth birthday. Mom and Dad had been heart broken and barely left the castle for 4 years. Then they had me, at first I reminded them too much of Jolie and they almost sent me away to boarding school when I was 12. Now I was eighteen and the boys for the selection are coming tomorrow. 

" Sophie. Sophie!" Biana slaps me across the cheek.

" Hey! what was that for?!" I complain.

" I was trying to tell you that all the eligible boys from each province have their name put in a metal wheel, an official turns the wheel 20 times and then pulls out a name, whoever's name gets pulled out is the selected boy for that province." Bi explains

" So... its basically a raffle draw?" I press.

" Yup pretty much." Bi says, clearly bored. " Hey! Could you answer this honestly?" 

" Sure." I say cause why not.

" Do you still like my brother?" Bi asks, she looks a little worried.

" No, I used to like Fitzroy but it was childish and nothing permanent." I state with confidence

" Okay, thanks for being honest, I just don' t like the idea of you and Fitz together it feels false. I know he wants to win this selection, just not for your heart. He's in it for the crown." Bi says.

( biana = fate amirite )

" He is cute don' t get me wrong but I feel uncomfortable around him." I say honestly.

" Yeah, I could tell that when you came over to our house when we were younger. On a completely different subject it's getting late you should get to bed, after all you have a lot of boys to meet tomorrow." Biana says unexpectedly.

" Yeah." I whisper as Bi leaves.

I take a long shower, the water helps me think. After my lengthy shower I flop onto my bed and fall asleep.

 okay i hope you like this so far. 

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