Not Capable of it

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Helloooo Beautiful people! I hope you all are doing well and shining in your life.
Here goes another chapter in Vihika's life which awaits your attention.
Happy Reading🕊❤️


"I wish to meet them," he said.

"Really?" Vihika looked at him with all the love dancing in her eyes.

"Yeah, they sound amazing", he said taking her hand in his and slowly, rhythmically rubbing it.

"Who wouldn't want to meet the people who created this angle?" He said raising an eyebrow playfully, making her go red in the face. He lifted his other hand and cupped her cheeks, pulling her closer.

"I just can't stop myself from looking at you. How can you be so beautiful and yet so simple?"

She shrugged looking into his eyes.

"I see my entire existence in you, I see my everything in your eyes", she said not breaking the eye contact.

"I can't wait for my parents to meet this wild soul of yours", she said, making him chuckle. He rubbed her cheeks before pulling her into a kiss. The moment their lips had met she heard a voice.

"You still there, honey? Hello, hello, vihi..."

"Yeah, yes Mumma," said she as another tear escaped from her eye.

"What is wrong beta? You don't seem ok to me.
You do know that you can talk to me about everything, right?"

"Of course Mumma. I know and I will when there will be something".

"I don't know.. you don't call anymore. Before you used to call twice a day and now if we don't call you then we won't hear from you for weeks. I don't know, just come home".

"Mumma... I can't".

"Just for a weekend. I won't ask you to stay longer than 2 days. Please come, let me see myself that you are okay", said her mother in a heavy voice.

"Mumma, I really can't. The work is just piled up on my head. Once, the work is finished I will come to you guys. And that too longer than 2 days. Okay?"

"Okay", her mother had started crying at this point.
"We really miss you, come soon, darling".

"I miss you guys too Mumma. I will come, soon enough I promise".

"I love you, just take care of my daughter".

"I love you vihika, take care of my love while I'm far okay?" Vihika smiled at his words, those were the last words she heard from him in person.

"I...I... bye Mumma, got to work now".

She put the phone close to her heart, sobbing like a little girl. Her mother had called her, asking her to come home. She missed them but for some reason, she didn't want to see them, she didn't want to feel their love, she didn't want to accept their welcoming arms.

"I'm not your good little girl Mumma".

"You shouldn't come near to me".

"I don't want to meet you both, I don't hate you but I can't even bring myself to love you, to love anybody. I can't... I'm not capable of it... not anymore" and she sobbed like a child who was deprived of every affection in their life.

After an hour of laying like a dead creature, she finally got up and went to her study table and wiped her laptop off the dirt it had scattered on the top from the past months. She hadn't lied to her mother when she'd said the work was loaded onto her head.

Broken Beyond RepairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora