ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ - ꜱɪx

Start from the beginning

She meant what she said three weeks ago; she wanted to wait until she could give Emiko everything she desired in a relationship, but when she was placed in moments like these, all she wanted to do was ignore the truth of their situation and just dive head first.

And since she was halfway leaned in, she would have done just that—if the door didn't fly open.

Her head snapped to the new addition to the room at the same time Emiko's did. Before she even saw him, she could smell the Bourbon that laced his skin cells and clothes. At first, she didn't even recognize him—his hair was messy and matted as if he hadn't brushed it in weeks. He was wearing sweatpants, in this heat, and a white shirt with a booze stain on the front.

The shoes on his feet hadn't been bothered to be tied.

"Mason," she breathed, "What's wrong?"

"Shit," he mumbled, looking away from them, "I didn't realize you had company."

"It's fine—come in."

"No," he shook his head and sloppily grabbed the doorknob, "I don't want to bother you."

"You're not bothering anyone," she looked to her partner for help, "Right, Emi?"

Recovering and not realizing that she needed to speak, she nodded her head profusely, bouncing the long strands of fake blond hair that resided on her head. She, forcing a smile that didn't look concerned, gazed up at Mason with body language that passed as inviting.

Nodding shortly, he stumbled into the room and found a spot on the floor in front of her. Her fingers interlocked with Emiko's as he rested the side of his face against her protruding stomach. He sighed heavily, with his eyes closed, as he listened to the heartbeat of their child and felt the kicks of their future soccer player.

This had been something of a ritual for them lately. Ever since his life went downhill, the only one he wanted to talk to or spend time with, was his unborn son or daughter. She had a feeling that the only reason he kept up his nice attitude with her was because of them – not that she was complaining.

"Hey, Blake?" he mumbled.


"Did you use me for sex?"

Her eyes widened at the sound of his question; she darted a look at Emiko, she, who was not making eye contact with anything other than the floor. Realizing the depth this conversation may lead, she nudged her shoulder into hers as gently as possible, so as to not alert him, she got her attention.

With her head, she motioned for her to give them some space.

"Oh!—I'm going to go to the kitchen to get some water. Blake, do you need anything?"

"No, I'm okay."


He shook his head and raised the bottle of alcohol in the air, then pressed it to his lips, signaling that he was all set drowning in his sorrows rather than hydrating.

Emiko acknowledged his motions and exited the room swiftly.

As soon as the door was closed, she swallowed her anxiety and focused on the question at hand.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I want to know."

"What do you think my answer will be?"

Mason lazily pulled himself from her pregnant belly and looked up at her; his normally clear eyes looked loopy with intoxication and tired with depression. Everything he was already feeling was now ten times more heightened with the drink circulating his system.

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