Episode 9: A way out, perhaps?

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Shadow paced around the cellar. It's been 2-3 days since they had been captured, yet nobody even came.

Shadow growled, closing his eyes. He became more impatient by the day. Silver was very worried for both himself and Shadow.

Shadow had enough. His put his hands on the cellar barrs and began pulling them open. "Shadow! What are you doing?" Silver said, not knowing what was going on. "I'm getting us out of here!" Shadow growled, almost having the bars wide enough for them to escape.

Shadow fully opened the cellar bars and hopped into a vent. Silver followed along cautiously. He could hear Robotnik dashing towards the cellar due to the massive noise. At that moment, Silver remembered something.

Before Silver could tell Shadow, they both heard rumbling noises from behind them. They crawled faster down the vent. "There you are!!" Dingo said behind them. Silver turned around and crawled backwards.

"You are coming with me!!" Dingo said, attemping to grab Silver. Silver used his telekinesis to shove Dingo's hand up his mouth. Silver turned around and crawled faster the catch up with Shadow.

Shadow jumped out the vents and dashed towards a possible exit at full speed. Silver lifted himself up to keep up with Shadow's speed.

Shadow reached outside, but got spotted by SWAT Bots. Silver jumped out and smashed a nearby fallen pole into the SWAT Bot's faces. Shadow and Silver dashed for the hills.

"This is all happening too quickly!" Silver said, stopping at the woods. Shadow stopped himself from running, saying "Yes, but it's for a good cause. I was stupid to just hide my speed, but I guess I was just.. I just wanted to not be hunted for my speed just in case, y'know?" Silver nodded. Just hearing that come out of the blue made him confused, though.

"Bahh, forget it. We need to get a move on." Shadow said, stretching his arms. "Not just yet!" Barf Dude said. "You can talk?! What is going on! Why didn't you talk when we rescused you?!" Barf Dude was questioning Shadow a ton. Shadow stood there silently, giving him a look that read 'shut up.' Barf Dude did not shut up.

Sonia slapped Barf Dude in the back of the head. "Quit it, Manic!" Sonia yelled. "Sorry, jeez!" Barf Dude said, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry about my brother. But anyways, who are you, and how do you have Sonic's speed?" Sonia asked both of them. "It's.. complicated.." Silver answered. He didn't really have an explanation for it. The creators of him just decided he'd be almost as fast as Sonic because of the S trio.
(Yes, I'm breaking the fourth wall. HEHEHEHAW)

"I'd rather not say. It's.. personal.." Shadow said, thinking on Maria and the events on the A.R.K. "Well.. that answered nothing." Sonia said. "Except the fact that the emo dude is a true emo! Hahaha!" Barf Dude said. "Veryyy humorous, Manic.." Sonia said, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, I forgot that we need to introduce ourselves, my apologies. I'm Sonia!"

"I'm Manic." Barf Dude said. "And I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!" Sonic said, pointing to himself behind Sonia and Manic. "Well, I'm Silver!" Silver said in a joyful tone. They all stood in silence for a couple seconds.

"Erm.. You're supposed to introduce yourself..?" Silver said to Shadow. "I'm not telling my name to a bunch of strangers who hunted me down, kidnapped me, and never apologized. Besides, Barf Dude right there is really rude." Shadow said. Silver sighed. "This is Shadow. He really needs to cut off the edginess." Silver joked around.

"So are we just gonna ignore the fact that we're getting chased by Pinky and The Brain over there?" Shadow said, looking over to the path where he and Silver escaped in. "Not to mention that Humpty-Dumpty is probably waddling around his factory like a penguin." Silver said, chuckling a bit. Sonic burst out laughing.

"Well, why don't we get a move on? We'll help you with whatever you neef!" Sonia said. "Alright.. But don't pull any tricks like those idiots on Robotnik's side did!" Shadow said.

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