~2~ The Night Owl

Start from the beginning

"Just admit it. You'll miss me.", he insisted, smiling widely.

"Sure, I'll miss you but I wouldn't cry about it, Dopey", she continued to tease, smiling as bright as Clint.

He shook his head in disbelief and wrapped her in a hug.

"I will miss you.", he whispered. This time more serious.

"Yeah, I'll miss you, too.", she admitted, still in the embrace.

They stepped back and Clint moved past her to pick up his bag. She turned to watch him as he left. In the door he turned back one last time with a bitter-sweet smile.

"Don't die till I'm back."

"I'll try. You better come back in one piece.", she said fully genuine this time.

He nodded and left. A little lost Natasha keeps standing there. It felt weird to see him leave and to stay behind. To take her mind off things she decided to couple up with some other agent to kick his ass. It always amused her how easy to beat they were and yet they always wanted to give it another try.

It was fun and worked for a little while but eventually, she left the training area to change. While she refreshed in the bathroom her mind wandered to her own fate. Not the long-term thing. She never really thought about that; never thought she'd have a future. No, she started to think about Fury's plans for her.

Was he going to question her again? Did he need more information? Did he lose trust in her again? Did she give him a reason to do so? She thought about that for a bit but she found nothing wrong with her recent work. She came to the conclusion that that wasn't it. The only other reason she could come up with was a mission that required her skills. That also meant that it was dangerous. If Fury sends in the Black Widow, it usually involves some sort of national security and a lot of firepower on the other side. A risk of getting captured and, or, tortured included. This assumption confused her even more on why he didn't send her and Clint in. They always delivered. The mission Fury was going to send him on must be very specific to his skills or else he should've been able to find someone else. Or he left him out because the risk of him losing Hawkeye was too high. If it was as risky as she made it to be it possibly meant that the Director was going to send in agents that were exploitable and she was since she wasn't actually one of 'his agents'.


She had been doing some paperwork that she offered to do for Clint when the speaker on her walkie-talkie cracked. "Agent Romanoff, report to Director Fury's office. He has requested your presence. Do you copy?"

"I copy.", she gladly left her office and made a right turn for the staircase. From her floor, it was only three more to Furys'.

The highest floor was brighter than the rest of the building, with more windows and fewer shutters. For a second she stopped and took in the view from the window down on the rest of the compound. From there she saw the training field, the science division and the storage units. People were rushing from one side to the other, just starting their day, or ending their night shift ready to go home. It was like watching ants in a glass box. Busy workers doing their deed. It was almost relaxing.

Natasha took a breath, nervous about what Fury is going to tell her and forced her eyes away from the glass. She straightened her posture and resumed walking to his office. She pushed the first door open and did all the scans and codes

not without scanning the figures she could make out through the tinted glass doors. One leaning against the desk -Fury-, one off to the side, judging by the crossed arms, body proportions and dark hair, Maria Hill and then there was a third one. She didn't recognize that one. Natasha pushed the last door open and entered the room.

"...introduce you to Agent Romanoff.", she heard him finish his sentence. She gave him a nod and then a short "Hey" to the other two women.

Her eyes scanned the unknown woman. She was around 5'7, had long bright blond hair in a tight bun, almost caramel brown eyes and good posture. Just something doesn't seem quite right about her. Like she's hiding...something


Don't worry, we'll finally get to it next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Let me know about anything regarding this book.

Did you like the way I split this up, or would you rather, I'd focus on one POV per situation or just Kate's POV only?

Do I use certain words too much? Do you have some words to swap them out with?

Thank you for reading my story. It means a lot.


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