Initially, she sat still but as his gets more passionate she tried to match his pace but inexperienced got the best of her. He's already possessive about her, when her inexperienced speaks volume, his heart got swelled and pants got tighten after Knowing he's her first.

Their kiss was everything. Rough, soft,wild , sweet, passionate, demanding. The softness of her lips against his knocked out the sense of sanity from him. Feeling her out of breath, he moved back, eyes closed and pink hues spread on her cheeks makes her more ravishing. One thing he's for sure, he found her new addiction and sweetest taste ever.


Leisurely walking inside his hoom, he reached his room. Today, he came two hour early aftter attending his meeting, there were few works which doesn't require much attention. His home is silent, because his wife and mother went out together for something. Something what? He don't know. Throwing his phone on bed, he started untie his shoes and removed his socks. Getting up from his place he advanced towards their wardrobe for taking out his casual t-shirt and track to change. He search for a particular one and when didn't find it he took out all of them and pile it on the bed. Finally, his struggle comes to end he noticed it between two black t-shirt. Since he messed his side, he decided to fold them and keep them neatly on their places before she came, but all this after taking a relaxing shower.

After folding each his messed clothes he walk up to place them but he eyes caught something pinkish at her side. Dubious he extend his arm and took it out.

It was a diary. Curiosity took over him and he opened it.

I know there's nothing I can change it
But is there something that can be negotiated?
My heart's already breaking, go on twist the knife

He furrows his forehead reading her words. Does she like poetry or maybe interested in writing? Finding something new about his wife, he turns the page agog.

The mind replays what the heart can't delete.

_The mind replays what the heart can't delete._ he nodded repeating the words. "Spitting facts." Mumbling he turns the page.

•I know you're saying you don't wanna hurt me
Well, maybe you should show a little mercy
The way you look I know you didn't come to apologize

•Normalise not making sense.

Smiling he turns the page.

•Slurps Coffee and overthink everything.

Well, many times he found her sitting alone either on the terrace or in the garden, slurping coffee and lost in her world. And he asked what she was thinking? but she end the conversation by saying nothing important.

(7 November)
I've got scars
Even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard
But now you're here & I don't feel a thing

(29th November)
Everytime we touch, I only want more.

He was astonished reading it. "Romantic side. Huh?!?"

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