Chapter 22: Moonstruck Mermaids

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"I don't want to go to Miriam's." I moan.
"Then she'll win." Rikki states.
"Guys, I don't think we're ready for this." Cleo says quietly.
"Look, I'm going to this. You guys can stay here or you can join me." Rikki gets defensive.

It wouldn't be a good idea for her to go alone. We have to go with her. I don't think I trust Zane enough to chauffeur her.

"We'll go with you Rikki." Emma glances at us to confirm our support. We nod, almost unwillingly. We're all thinking the same thing at least.
"Let's get ready then."

We rush to get ready, our dispute has eaten up so much time already. I reluctantly slip into a dress and grab my bag to get ready to head out the door.

Lewis: I thought we were meeting at Cleo's tonight? Drew and I are here, everything is already set up ready for the full moon.
Cleo: That's right you weren't with us at lunch. Miriam and Rikki are in war and now we're off to the party.
Poppy: Sorry guys! Meet us there?
Emma: Please! I feel like we'll need help.

"No phones party poopers." Zane interrupts.
"Yeah, yeah." We all switch our phones off.

As we approach Miriam's, the music gets increasingly louder. How are her neighbours okay with this? As the music increases, so does the moon's pull. It has to be seconds away from rising at this rate.

"Guys, what are you doing out in the open? Get inside under cover right now." Lewis demands out of breath. We don't bother arguing, and all storm inside.

The music is loud and almost painful. There's so many lights, the moon's rays shouldn't be a problem.

"Poppy." Drew greets me once we're inside with a hug. I graciously accept, burying my face in his shoulder away from the overstimulating environment, "hi beautiful." Drew gently pulls my head up so I can see his face.
"Hi handsome. Thanks for coming to our rescue. So sorry I didn't keep you in the loop." I apologise. He smiles at me, I can tell it's okay.
"So what happens with mer- you and the full moon?" Drew stops himself from saying 'mermaids'.
"Honestly, I don't know the half of it. We go bonkas." I laugh.

"Okay guys we need a game plan. Rikki!" Emma tries to grab Rikki's attention as she gets pulled further into the party by Zane.
"Yes?" Rikki waits around with us.
"Rikki, we need to stick together." Emma states.
"What? So the moon can get four mermaids moonstruck at once? I say it's better we split up." Rikki complains.

She is not in the best mood today!

"The moon isn't getting any mermaids." Cleo reaffirms. We're really throwing the 'm word' around now.
"Okay guys let's be realistic." I cut in, trying to reason with both sides, "chances are, at least one of us are getting moonstruck tonight. But if and when that happens, we need to have each others backs. Let's just try to have fun." I watch the tension leave Emma's body and she takes a deep breath. Cleo relaxes and even Rikki eases up a bit. Glad we're all on the same page now.

"Cleo! Let's go and find a drink." Lewis invites. I've never heard him be so direct.
"You're not drinking are you?" Emma looks shocked.
"Just soft drinks Em. You wanna come?" Cleo reassures. They all head off towards the kitchen.

"Rikki let's go, I wanna say hi to the boys." Zane hurries her outside.
"Mate, I don't think that's such a good idea. The moon is out. You go say hi, Rikki can stay with us." Drew interrupts. Zane huffs before making his way outside.

It's nice to see Drew sticking up for us. We dance a little until Zane and Nate approach us.

"Where's Emma?" Nate asks.
"You'll just go after anyone single by the looks of things." I sneer at Nate.
"They don't have to be single." Nate shoots me a flirty look.
"Back off mate." Drew warns.
"Are you threatening my friend?" Zane interupts.

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