Chapter 12: Distractions

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Monday morning. Time to repeat the weekly routine. Not going to lie though, the weeks are flying by (a bit too quickly I should add). How have I been on the Gold Coast for over a month? Best month ever! Drew and I were texting a little bit after I got home from the moonpool. I wonder what it'll be like back at school today. We're not dating but we're... friendly? Okay, let's just see what happens. I need to stop getting ahead of myself!

I go through the usual morning routine, eat, brush teeth, make myself look presentable, pack bag, head off to school. Cleo walks out her front door right as I'm about to knock. We head off down Sandy Street to school.

We walk through the school gates together as I anxiously look around. I feel Miriam's eyes drilling the back of my head. What is her problem anyways? She's dating Zane. I turn to face her, I want to confront her but I don't. She pulls Zane by the collar of his shirt and kisses him while maintaining eye contact with me. Gross. Was that to try and intimidate me? I don't feel anxious anymore, just annoyed that Miriam is trying to pick a fight with me over literally nothing. I look the other way and see Drew and his buddies. He's made so many 'first moves' with me so I tell Cleo I'll be right back and bravely walk over to Drew.

"Drew!" I say as I approach him. He sees me and pulls me into a familiar hug. This one lasts slightly longer than the others.
"Popsy." There he goes with that nickname again.
"I just wanted to say hi." I say. I can see the girls, and Lewis, have joined Cleo now so I'll probably wonder back shortly.
"Well you should say hi more often." he smiles. With a smile like that I definitely will.

I join the gang. That was good. It was what I could've hoped for. It went smoothly! All is well. They keep talking amongst themselves and I try to join in but my mind keeps getting distracted. We're cut short when Nate and Zane come over. This earns a stone-cold stare from Miriam.

"Hey ladies." Nate greets, wrapping an arm around Cleo. Rikki, who's standing next to Cleo, plucks his arm off like it's contaminated with a disease.
"What do you want Nate?" Cleo rolls her eyes at his constant player tendencies.
"Cleo, I hear your dad is hosting a fishing competition." Zane says.
"And we want to sign up." Nate adds.
"You can sign up just like everyone else." Rikki says with a straight face. Is this really how they flirt? Talking about Cleo's dad and fishing, way to whoo a lady.
"Come on Cleo throw in a good word for us." Zane asks, ignoring Rikki's comment.
"Yep, sure Zane. Carry on." Emma agrees to get rid of them. They walk away willingly.

"Shoot is that this week? As in this arvo? I've been too busy researching," Lewis pauses to whisper, "mermaid stuff. I completely forgot about it."
"Don't worry Lewis I already got Dad to add your name to the list, I knew you'd be interested!" Cleo reassures. Lewis smiles at her. They're just two peas in a pod! That's so sweet that Cleo knew to sign Lewis up.

The bell rings and we go to our first class. Mathematics. We sit in the middle of the class room and Drew and his mates venture off to the back of class. Half way through the class my phone buzzes in my pocket. I look up at the teacher who is clearly distracted, writing up equations on the whiteboard.

Drew: You look very cute when you're concentrated.

I turn around to meet his eye. I poke out my tongue. I go to put my phone back in my pocket when I feel it vibrate in my hand.

Drew: More so when you're blushing. This boy.
Poppy: Oi! You're distracting m-

Before I can finish my message I notice the teacher standing over my desk.

"Miss Northern. Something you'd like to share with the class?" he asks me.
"No sir. Sorry." I reply quickly, putting my phone under my leg. Rikki raises her eyebrows suspiciously at me to which I slyly point at the back of the classroom. She knows who I'm taking about.

The bell rings, signalling morning tea. Everyone packs up and walks out. "Miss Northern." Drew comes up to me, mimicking the teachers tone.
"Hey! No fair, I'm not as sneaky as you!" I poke his side playfully.
"Are you getting my girl in trouble?" Rikki asks him in a joking manner.
"Your girl?" Drew asks.
"Mhm. I'm hers." I put my arm over Rikki to tease Drew.
"We'll see about that." he smirks.

This boy has no fear. I wave bye as I find Cleo pulling my arm towards the table we usually sit at.

"There is so much chemistry between you two!" Cleo giggles.
"It's pretty fun!" I giggle, entertaining the fact.


While Lewis and the girls go to the fishing competition I decide to take a swim to Mako Island. I was going to go with them but I decided against it. I have't been a mermaid as much as I would like recently and I can feel my legs just itching, waiting to be transformed.

It's an oddly quiet afternoon at the beach, the fishing competition near the pier must've have quite the turn out. I don't even need to walk down the beach to find a quiet spot. I wait for the wave to crash before sprinting into the water. You only get ten seconds so you have to make it count! I've timed it perfectly as my body becomes water for a split second before my legs fuse together. My orange scaly tail and matching scaly bra reappear yet again. As there's no surfers out I decide to frolic amongst the waves before I head off to Mako Island. It's so fun diving under each crashing wave, I wish I got more chances to do this.

I've been obsessing over the boy so much that I keep forgetting I'm a mermaid and can do fun mermaid things like this! It's like I've subconsciously been staying on land because that's where he is. Well not today. I am an independent woman who don't need no man... although it would be nice. Here I go again...

Before I get to Mako I take my time swimming slowly in the deep water. It can be scary to see yourself in the middle of the ocean, so far from any land, but I take deep breaths to regulate myself. I am safe. This is my home. Once I feel calmer, I feel good about swimming the rest of the way towards Mako. It can be good to challenge yourself! I definitely feel better for it. As I near Mako Island I notice the sea-life starts to flourish more and becomes more evident. The fish are swimming in bigger schools, the coral and reef life is healthy, an abundance of species swim around me. Since I have a tail the fish aren't shy despite the fact that I'm so much bigger than them. They understand that I am gentle, and I want nothing more than to admire their beauty.

I spin around, mucking around under the open water before swimming into the volcanic cave. The moonpool's familiar rock wall stands tall in front of me as I surface. The whisper of lapping water dances off the hard surfaces, waiting to be hushed by the sand coating the floor.

No wonder why moonstruck Emma and I were so hell-bent on coming here. The way Mako was calling us was incredible. Mako Island felt like our strongest desire. I wonder what would have happened if we gave in? Would we be stuck as mermaids forever? Would we have grown stronger or weaker? Continue current life unchanged? I have no clue.

I guess I should head back to the mainland soon to see what all the fuss is about. This fishing competition has a strange amount of hype. Cleo's dad must've advertised it well. Off I go.


I locate the gang amongst the large crowd. It looks like they're just calling the winner. "Lewis McCartney." Mr Sertori announces on the microphone. A collection of cheering, with some quiet groans, follows the announcement. Bit ironic that Lewis caught the biggest fish considering all of his closest friends are fish. I wonder what prize he'd win when he 'catches' Cleo, I mean....

"Lewis, I'd love if you came over more often. Congratulations mate." I heard Mr Sertori quietly say to Lewis. Lewis smiles at Mr Sertori, shaking his hand. Aw, I'm glad I was hear for this moment.
"Wow Lewis congratulations!" I say as I approach the gang.
"Thanks Poppy." he smiles. This boy looks so proud.
"Juice to celebrate?" Rikki asks.
"I'd say!" Emma agrees.We make our way over to the JuiceNet to celebrate an awesome day and an awesome fisherman.

Alright, it's been a good day, but it's time to get home and get ready for what tomorrow brings.

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