"Put me down now?" He heard Zhongli's voice followed by the clack of the heels on the floor.

"So, I'm gonna head in." A female voice spoke next, and then the sound of her and several other people leaving was what followed.

"We should get going as well. Or your boyfriend is gonna get jealous at the lack of attention." Another male voice had pointed out that Childe was here. From the small glimpse he got, it was a man about half a head taller than Zhongli. His long pearly white hair was tied up into a ponytail and two red horns were on the front of his head.

"Childe?" Zhongli turned around and saw the orange mop peeking out from the pillar. He immediately retreated, guilty that he had been caught.

"We'll leave you be." Albedo's voice came next and then the  sound of people leaving was what happened next. Now it was just the two of them.

"Were you spying on us?" Zhongli broke the silence, feeling nervous.

"Not intentionally. I got worried when you didn't show up." Childe said truthfully. He expected for Zhongli to be angry at him for accidentally spying on them but instead he walked to Childe and hugged him.

"Sorry for making you worry." Zhongli buried his face into Childe's shoulders.

"Ah, you're too cute for this world." Childe hugged back and locked lips with the brunette.

"I know. You remind me that several times a day." Zhongli chuckled when Childe broke the kiss.

"But it's true!" Childe tightened his grip before Zhongli insisted they break and enjoy the festivities. They tried to be by each other's sides as much as possible but with people everywhere and their own siblings to take care of, they eventually separated with the promise to spend some time at night. As night was upon them, Childe went to find Kaeya, who was with Albedo, surprisingly. The main showcase was nearing and all the students had gathered in the auditorium.

"I hope all of you are enjoying today! For me it was really fun! Now, we have some performances from each group followed by the winners of this year!" Hu Tao once again was the announcer and she enthusiastically made this speech. Xiao was right behind her, and grabbed the mic.

"First will b Monstadt, followed by Inazuma, Senzhnaya and Liyue. Now, we shall have the first performance. Please welcome Eula Lawrence from Mondstadt." Xiao dragged Hu Tao off the stage as a blue haired girl stepped up. Childe was actually having fun, the previous years with him falling asleep, but couldn't help but notice that Zhongli was nowhere in sight. The performances went by quickly and now it was Liyue's turn. He expected it to be Ningguang or Ganyu again but who was performing caught him by surprise.

"For the final performance of the day, we have Liyue! He is also known as the school's golden boy! At this point everyone should know who it is but whatever. Here's Zhongli!" Hu Tao had the mic once more and Childe's eyes widened as he saw his boyfriend, the very same one that had hugged him earlier on, standing on the stage. He looked more beautiful than ever, hair tied up in a high ponytail with a glaze lily holding it in place. In a thin beige hanfu with a skirt that very much resembled the petals of a flower, the belt hugged his small waist perfectly, Childe's golden bracelet gift shining brightly on his wrist. In his slender fingers was a black lace fan. As the music started, Childe was left speechless. In fact, the entire audience was silent. He hadn't been expecting anything relatively smooth or refined like the others, which were all girls, but at this moment, he remembered that jewels were stones too. The ginger didn't realize how graceful and elegant he was, resembling a flower in the wind more than a dancer. Then, Zhongli looked up and the two made eye contact. A small smirk formed across his face and Childe turned red. As it ended, the whole room was silent. Childe and Noelle were the first to stand up and began clapping as hard as possible. It soon followed across the room and Childe was the last to stop. Even Xiao was smiling, though barely visible.

"That was all, ladies and gentlemen! Now, we have counted all the votes and  this years' winner is...Liyue!" Hu Tao yelled as several of the Liyuens ran up to her and started to congratulate one another. As the crowd clapped for them, Childe got up and sprinted to Zhongli. But Baizhu was also nearby. It was practically a race to see who could get to Zhongli first and Childe won. As their relationship wasn't fully open, Childe pulled him behind the curtains and began to kiss him while praising. Even if Snezhnaya didn't win, his boyfriend winning was a win for himself. But he was suppressed from any and all contact with him all day. He needed him. He needed him to be with him, in him. He needed Zhongli.

"Calm down, love." Zhongli chuckled.

"I am calm." Childe was confused.

"No you're not. If you were, you wouldn't be hard. Just look at your little one." Zhongli pointed at Childe's rapidly hardening dick. "Just hold on a bit longer."

"Fine." Childe pouted as Zhongli left for a few of the formalities. Once alone, Childe took Zhongli to his dorm room and they got ready for bed.

Words: 1557

The Boy Who Cried Foxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें