Chapter 01: Class D

Start from the beginning

Wait, what if he doesn't wake up and misses the stop? It's not really any of my business, after all it's his fault for sleeping here.

I went back to reading a book I brought with me while listening to an ongoing quarrel between two individuals. One is from my school and the other is an office lady.

It was interesting to watch how the blond was demolishing all the points the female had made, I don't even think I'm capable of pulling off such feat. Despite him being in the wrong because of sitting on a seat that is reserved at all times for senior citizens, he was capable of backing up his points so much that I had to side with him. I'm not saying what he's doing is right, but it makes sense.

The quarrel was getting nowhere and it seemed like everyone was starting to get annoyed by the commotion caused by the individuals. That is until a female who probably felt too guilty stood up from her seat and offered it to the elderly woman.

"A-Ano! You can have my seat...!"

I guess some people still have good manners after all.


We finally arrived to our destination, and the boy next to me was.....still sleeping. Honestly if I was someone else I'd have left him alone and got off the bus, but since I'm feeling nice today I'll wake him up.

I elbowed him on the shoulder and while it wasn't really strong it was definitely painful enough to wake him up, unless he was a heavy sleeper.

But alas, to no avail. I guess I'm gonna resort to my one and only weapon, I'm normally against violence but if it was for the better then so be it. If he doesn't wake up this time I'll just leave him here.

I inserted my hand inside my pocket and pulled out a compass needle. Now then, where do I stab you with this?

I chose to stab the white haired male on his shoulder and this time he opened his eyes, implying the success of my weapon. Though it wasn't deep, just on the surface of his skin, a poke really.

The power of the compass needle shouldn't be understimated.


(Sugawara Machizane POV)

I felt some sharp pain on my shoulder, what the hell was this? I opened my eyes and immediately looked at my shoulder, while the spot on my shoulder did hurt there was no sign of any external damage.

I shifted my gaze onto the female who was sitting next to me and I immediately knew she was the one behind this secret assassination task. She was probably testing my skin, wanting to see how durable it is. Then when she gets the chance, boom, she mercilessly kills me.

"It hurts. What if the scar is permanent?" I stated, maintaining a poker face.

"Do you have proof I was the one who did it?"

"Scars like these can only be done with weapons like the one you possess right now, keeping that in mind your fingerprints are on that thing too."

She clicked her tongue in frustration, seems like I got under her skin.

"You should be grateful I decided to wake you up in the first place."

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