She slumped on her chair and cried. Then she remembered. She wiped her tears and placed them inside the container.

"Come on, come on, come on. Please work!" But then again, it didn't. She slammed her table and shouted.

"Han? Are you okay in there?" She heard Taeyong asking calmly outside.

"Yeah, just... I'm sorry for shouting"

"No no, it's alright, nobody's asleep right now tho" It got quiet for a bit so Haneul thought that Taeyong left.

"Can I come in Haneul?" She heard him say before answering a faint hum, Taeyong still heard it tho.

He entered the room and was shocked to see the mess Haneul had made.

"What happened here sweetie?"

"I.. I tried to make the candle, but I don't know why it won't work" She sat on her bed and Taeyong sat beside her.

"Is that why you were shouting awhile ago?" He asked and Haneul nodded with a disappointed sigh.

"It's alright Han, maybe you need to try again. You'll never know you can make it someday. Just have patience alright?" She nodded once again and Taeyong hugged her.

"You should sleep now, it's late. Don't worry about the mess alright, I'll tell nanny to clean it tomorrow okay?"

"Mm, good night oppa"

"Good night Haneul" He kissed her forehead before turning the lights off and left the room.

Haneul wasn't asleep. She was still staring at the ceiling again. 'Patience' that's what she needs.

"Should I give up?" She asked herself then shook her head.

"No Haneul, you shouldn't" She closed her eyes and not so long after, she fell asleep.


2 weeks had passed, and Haneul was still doing everything she could to make the candle.

Her friends had known about this so they decided to help. But then again, they weren't successful.

The others gave up while Haechan, Chenle and Renjun were still helping her. They couldn't bare seeing her do the hard work alone.

And yes, Haneul didn't skip school or anything. These days, Haneul was focused to her studies.

Their exam is approaching so she studied alot in the morning while in the evening, she makes the candle.

The teachers, especially Mr. Seo were very proud of her. She's starting to get productive and active.

Her grades were better than before, and she stayed at the top of the honor roll. And of course, her brothers were very proud of her too.

Right now, the Lee's are in the dining room, eating their dinner. Taeyong was discussing something with Mark so Haneul and Haechan didn't bother to listen

"Han, the company was invited to a masquerade ball tomorrow. The Choi's had threw the party and they invited us.

Will you come?" Taeyong asked and Haneul looked at him before shaking her head.

"I can't, I need to do something"

"But Han, you need to stop it. It's been days and you still haven't made the candle. Come on, it's time for you to move on" He said and Haneul sighed

"Sorry. I really can't-"

"I'll go too"

"Me three" Haechan and Mark cutted her words and the three stared at her, waiting for her response

"Then the three of you can go. I'll stay here"

"Haaan~ please, just this once. You know, there are alot of sweets and foods there" Haechan said and smiled at her.

"On a second thought, maybe it's not bad to go. Fine, but I'm just going there to eat" She said before taking a bite of her dinner.

"So food can lure you huh?" Mark said and nodded his head

"Shut up Mark"

"I won't"

"Shut up or I'll make you"

"Alright then, make me"

"You little shi-"


"Good, now continue eating" He then said calmly. Haneul glared at Mark who was peacefully eating while Haechan just laughed at them.

And they spent the rest of the night watching movies, eating desserts and having midnight snacks.

— tbc.

(Haven't proofread yet.)

Idk why but I kept on writing short chapters these days😭.

word count: 1190 words
date published: 08/30/22


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