"Hold on, where did you get a gun? What are doing?!" She panicked as I just walked away as she was talking. "Shit, shit, where's my walkie." I heard her dump her bag out on the floor as I just got to the bottom steps. "EMERGENCY, ARIA HAS A GUN. HER DADS HOME. STEVE, DUSTIN, MAX?? ANYBODY!" She shouted as she ran after me.

"Okay tough guy, wanting to hit women. Calling me a whore. You can get your loser ass up and leave or I'll shoot." I said aiming the gun at him.

"Look at you, thinking your tough." He laughed as he got up. As he made his way slowly to me, Robin appeared at the bottom of the steps. I could only hear her not see her, since my back is to her. "You think I'm going to let a little bitch like you run me out of my house." He says.

"One more step and I'll fucking shoot." I warned. He smirked with a deep laugh taking a longer stride.

"FUCK!" He shouted as I took my shot, right in his thigh. Robin had screamed behind me. "You little bitch." His adrenaline was high as he limped fast to me grabbing my arm hard making my finger slip taking another shot into his stomach this time.

"Shit, drop the gun." Robin screamed.

I had not only dropped the gun but fell when my father fell since he had a hold of me. Robin had came into the room with tears on her face freaking out as he dad rolled to his back groaning loudly. She tried to help me up as she panicked, but my father had other intentions. He gripped my shirt yanking me onto my back, the gun slipped form my hands.

"No you dont!" Robin says trying to kick the gun away from my dad who reached for it.

"ARIA!" I heard Billy's voice.

"No!" Robin shouted as she was pulled away by Steve. "Aria watch out!" She screamed as my dad now held a gun to my head. That didn't stop Billy pouncing on him. Knocking the gun from his hands, beating him.

"Aria, here." Steve helped me up fast and helped me outside onto the porch with him and Robin. "Your mom called the police. My god are you okay?" He hugged me tightly to him.

"I'm fine." I say emotionless.

"Baby!" I heard Billy breath out as he finally stepped out. He had blood on him but I didn't care, I hugged him to me as I did Steve.

"I warned him to leave. I shot him." I say quietly as I watch my mom run to us. I suddenly began to realize what I did and felt sick to my stomach. "I'm gonna puke." I started gagging pulling away form them. I leaned over the railing and began vomiting into a bush, sirens in the far distance. "Robin you know nothing let me Handel it." I say as I gasp for air.

"Rosearia, what happened?" My mom asked worried just as an ambulance and a few police cars pulled up.


"Alright, Rosearia can you go over what happened one more time for the sheriff. Just so we got everything?" An officer asked as I sat at a cold table in the police station.

"I was sitting in my room with Robin, she told me someone pulled up so I went to go look. He didn't break in he used a key, obviously it was his house. After everything he's done I tried to kick him out. Uh..." I needed to lie. I know if I shot without being harmed or something I'll be the one in jail. "He called me a few names, so I began to yell at him-"

The 30th (Billy and Steve Triangle.)Where stories live. Discover now