Cat is I, I is groot, I mean cat dang it

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These titles are becoming worse like, my first idea was
*sigh* it'll be ok

Yes, they do be dating in this one

Aru: Aiden... I think I'm a cat.

Aiden: Ha ha, very funny Princess.

Aru: No I am

Aiden: Okay then why?

Aru: well... cats R grumpy, I am grumpy. Cat sassy I sassy. Cat only sleep and eat, basically me. I am groot. I mean, I am cat.

Aiden:.............. how long did it take you to think of this?

Aru: a couple business days.

Aiden: *grandma sigh* ok

I had this idea for a while I have just procrastinated for too long so I just did it know


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