Chapter 9

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It's now the morning and I can't stop thinking about Daryl's angry voice when he demanded what I was doing when I let that freak come at me. Why does he even care?


Amy's dead, Ed's dead, and so many more are dead.

Andrea stayed at Amy's side all night, Rick tried to talk to her and she pulled a gun at his face.

But a little while ago a single gun shot went off and I knew it was Andrea putting Amy to peace.

When I walk back into camp a fire is burning away the remains of all the freaks bodies.

Daryl, Morales, Glenn, T-dog and Jim are putting the other freaks in the fire and lining up all of the people we lost.

I feel numb, like I shouldn't be here. Nobody's tried to talk to me, and that's OK. Last night I slept under a tree while people mourned.

"A walker got him"!! Jacqui's voice sounds terrified.

I turn to see her looking at Jim and slowly backing away from him.

People scatter.

Shane and Daryl start to come at Jim from the front, but he picks up a shovel and it's now swinging at them.

I didn't realize I was getting my gun out till it was pointed at Jim's head.

A hand touches my shoulder, I turn my head a bit to see Glenn. Reluctantly I lower my gun.

As soon as its not pointed at Jim people relax and T-dog grabs both of Jim's arms, pinning them behind his back and the shovel falls.

Daryl then pulls up Jim's shirt to reveal a bright red bit on his stomach.

The redneck let's the shirt fall, and then starts to back away from the "sick" man.

T-dog also let's go and backs away.

"I'm OK, I'm ok". Jim keeps repeating.

****5 minutes later****

Jim was ordered to sit by the RV so I could keep a eye on him while the others talk about what to do with him.

I personally think we should kill him.

The little group of people are talking and I see Daryl looking over at Jim.

He then says something I can't hear and then starts to walk over to Jim, pickaxe raised.

I jump off my feet to stand in front of Rick.

When Daryl raised his weapon so did Rick, but Rick's gun is pointing at Daryl's head.

"We don't kill the living". Rick says.

"Funny coming from a guy with a gun at my head". Daryl snaps.

"He's right. Put the gun down Rick". I say looking Rick straight in the eyes.

Daryl throws down his pickaxe and then looks at me.

"Why the hell do you care"! He shouts.

"Shutup". I hiss.

He pushes past me and Rick lowers his gun.

I then push past Rick and go sit under a tree. I'm tired, mad, hungry, and sweaty.

I just now realize I haven't eaten anything besides Daryl's squirrels when he came back from his hunting trip, which was yesterday evening.

God that redneck is gonna drive me insane, I try to help him and he gets all pissed off.

All I want to do is crawl up in a ball and sleep.

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