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"Breaking news! After a full week of speculation and rumors, it has been confirmed that Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Senator Padmé Amidala have all disappeared! They have not been in contact with anyone for a week, and the people who last saw them say they either disappeared overnight, during battle, or in Senator Amidala's case, blinked right out of thin air! This last report is believed to be nothing more than a hallucination, but the question is: have they been kidnapped? If so, where are they? Can we get them back? This is Soran Veré, reporting live from right outside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where Jedi Master and General Mace Windu, representing the Jedi High Council, is here to give his thoughts on the matter. Master Windu, what do you believe could have happened to the three Jedi and the senator?"

Keila Veré sat at home on her couch, munching on popcorn. She always watched the holonet when her brother, Soran, was reporting, but never had she really found the news interesting. This, however, had her attention. The two hottest Jedi, their padawan, and the senator that the one Jedi was very clearly having an affair with had all disappeared? Now that was newsworthy.

"These disappearances have all been accompanied by great disturbances in the Force," Windu replied. "The Council is... hesitant to say much to the press, but their presences in the Force seem to have entirely disappeared. In Senator Amidala's case, this is no anomaly, as merely traveling far away would cause a non-Force sensitive presence to fade away, but it is always possible to tell that Skywalker is alive merely by reaching out, no matter where in the galaxy he may be. We are troubled by his disappearance, especially since unless proved otherwise, we must assume that he, Master Kenobi, Padawan Tano, and Senator Amidala have all joined the Force."

"How unfortunate!" Soran turned back to the audience. Keila rolled her eyes. Her brother wasn't allowed to express emotion on the holonet, she knew that, but still. 'They died' is not just unfortunate. "The loss of the Jedi and senator is quite sad. I hope all of their loved ones are doing well. Or–uh, well, yes." Oh, Keila was so teasing him for that when he got home. Since Jedi were technically forbidden attachments, that statement only really applied to the Senator's family.

"Stay tuned for more updates on the war, right after this–" Soran was cut off as multiple people appeared straight out of thin air. "Actually, wait, don't cut," he said frantically, entirely breaking the script. Keila would have mocked him in her head if her eyes weren't so incredibly wide. "Master Jedi, are you seeing this?"

Master Windu cleared his throat, clearly attempting to gather himself and present with Jedi calm. "Yes, and accompanied by a great disturbance in the Force," he said slowly.

Here was what the scene on the holonet now looked like, from left to right:

Jedi Master Mace Windu attempting to hide his stupor; an enormous figure in dark armor sitting on the ground, clinging to a woman's arm as though he was sobbing; Anakin Skywalker crying into her other arm, while the woman attempted to comfort them both while also looking like she was at a loss for what to do; Obi-Wan Kenobi, surveying the surroundings with a resigned look on his face; an old bearded man Keila did not recognize; Padawan Ahsoka Tano smiling mischievously as she looked around; Senator Amidala attempting to gather herself after having teleported; a girl who looked vaguely like Amidala and a boy who looked vaguely like Skywalker looking around in confusion and then at each other, as though they were communicating telepathically, or perhaps by facial expressions; an older togruta who vaguely resembled Padawan Tano—her mother, perhaps; and roguishly handsome young man with a blaster on his hip who looked absolutely distraught upon seeing his surroundings; and finally, Soran Veré, her brother, looking for his words.

Finally, Soran seemed to find something to say: "I have no idea where to begin," he stuttered.

"Skywalker. Tano. Kenobi. Amidala." Windu acknowledged each of them individually, causing Skywalker to look up from where he was crying into the woman's shoulders, dust himself off, dry his eyes, and stand up. "It is good to have you back. Do you have an explanation for this, Skywalker?"

Skywalker gaped. "Me? Okay, that's enough. Not everything is my fault. Alright mom, Not Sith Me, you should probably stand up." He sighed. "I'm not sure where to start either," he admitted.

Windu crossed his arms. "I get the feeling this one has something to do with you."

"It doesn't!" Skywalker hesitated. "Well... it did. But I didn't do it! It was Palpatine! I mean Sidious! Actually, that's a great place to start! Palpatine is Sidious! Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Padmé and I have been in the future for the past week—like, way in the future. Palpatine was a Sith emperor. Ew, he's alive right now. Anyway, we killed him. That's the future version of me, who Obi-Wan chopped up into pieces after he turned to the dark side—listen, Future Me had a few issues, but he's working them out and he is not a Sith... anymore... that's my mom, who also time traveled, and I'm incredibly happy to see her cause I blamed myself for her death..." Skywalker cleared his throat. "And anyway, that's older Obi-Wan, that's older Ahsoka, those are the kids I had with Padmé—oh yeah, we're married, screw your rules—and that's Han Solo, a pilot and former smuggler who, if I know him at all, probably wishes with every fiber of his being that he wasn't here right now."

"Why did I ever take that job?!" Han Solo lamented, and though Keila had no idea what he was talking about, she was mostly focused on the very strange and insane things that Skywalker had just said.

Windu hesitated. Then he said, "The most disturbing thing about this, Skywalker, is that literally every word you just said rang true in the Force." He paused again. And then he cursed, multiple times, using language that was definitely far too profane for a Jedi Master, especially on the Holonet.

Oh, Force.

This is the opener to a trilogy on Archive of our Own called "The Skywalkers are Not Constrained by the Laws of Time: the Trilogy." I transferred book 1, "Rebel Pilot," to Wattpad, as this fanfiction, which you just finished reading. "Skywalker Temple," the second book in this series, is currently coming out chapter by chapter on AO3. I may transfer it here once it it finished, I may not. If you wish to read the sequel on AO3, here is the link to the series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3081141

Hope you enjoyed Rebel Pilot!

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