Chapter 19

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"Fulcrum?" Immediately gathering around Ahsoka, alarm rose with the group. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine." Luke shrugged. "She's probably freaking out about Dad being here. Oh, yeah, and younger Obi-Wan."

Murmurs spread once again as they recognized young Obi-Wan as a younger version of the old man beside him. "Oh, and me!" Ahsoka exclaimed. "I'm a younger version of her. Honestly, in her position, I would have passed out too!"

"If we're not keeping secrets, I suppose I should introduce myself as well." Padmé gave her warm politician smile. "Senator Padmé Amidala, of the Republic that existed before this strange time I seem to have teleported into." Gasps and mutters followed that statement, but nobody screamed that it was impossible, because at this point, they'd all stopped caring. "I have been informed that this alliance is a rebellion against the tyrannical regime that my family and I have just taken down. Oh, yes—these are my children, and Anakin is my husband."

"Wow, he really wasn't lying about that," someone muttered.

"Again, I couldn't exactly say so when the Jedi order would have expelled me," Anakin reminded everyone.

"Anyway, you will all be pleased to hear that I—with the help of my somewhat dysfunctional family and friends—have killed the Emperor. Now, this is nothing to be taken lightly, and a new Republic will need to be organized after this messy and brutal assassination, but this is a good place to start. Are there any questions?"


Then, someone piped up, "Do you have any idea how you all managed to kriffing time travel?!"

"Oh yes, that is a good question." She looked to the rest of the group. "Do you guys know?"

"Sith magic," Ahsoka explained. "Sidious was trying to—" she paused. "Um, do something, and he did this instead. Heh." Clearly she had realized what a bad idea explaining the whole Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader thing would be.

It was then that older Ahsoka woke back up on the ground. "Guys?" She blinked, and looked around. "I–what happened? I had the strangest dream..." her face fell when she found the time travel group again. "Oh, it wasn't a dream. Rex must have slipped spice into my tea this morning. Not funny," she grumbled as she stood up. "I apologize, everyone. I appear to be... hallucinating some of my friends who passed away at the end of the Republic. Please accept my apologies."

"No, it's time travel," a weary man sighed. "They've proved it time and time again. We even ran a genetics test with Luke, Princess Leia and General Skywalker—he's definitely their father. We can do another one to prove Senator Amidala as the mother, but at this point I think we are all convinced."

"So..." older Ahsoka looked around. "You guys are all seeing this too?" After seeing all of the nods, she sighed. "Just when my life seemed a little bit normal."

"We have no idea if the Force will ever send us back, since the man who used magic to bring us here is now dead," Obi-Wan admitted. "So for the moment, we are planning to stay long term, should the Force will it. Now, uh..." he coughed nervously, looking around to the rest of the group. "You should probably be made aware... you see, back on the ship right now... we, uh, picked up someone else along the way..."

Older Ahsoka's eyes widened. "I feel his presence," she whispered. "...No. No, it can't be. You..."

"Do not worry, Ahsoka," older Obi-Wan said kindly, and a look at him proved that he was feeling emotional over seeing that she was still alive, even without time travel. "He is on our side. He regrets his last duel with you immensely, and while he knows he will never be the man who stands before you now, who was your master... he wishes to make amends. I think. He implied that. Skywalkers don't really know how to not be vague and infuriating."

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