"I am their leader," Vader said, his tone impossible to ascertain through his helmet.

Obi-Wan blinked. " How?"

"I killed their leader and they made me their leader."

For a moment there was silence. Then Obi-Wan said, "Until now, I was still not 100% convinced that Anakin actually became a Sith Lord, and was still holding out hope that there is some other explanation. But Anakin is the only person I know who would crash on an unfamiliar planet and immediately somehow become the leader of a pack of hyenax, and then just roll with it like it's another normal day." He pinched his nose bridge. "Force, you are my Fallen apprentice."

Anakin considered this for a moment and then shrugged. "Yeah, that is something I would do. You've got to admit it, Future Me: you're still the same person you were during the Clone Wars. Just more Sith-y and murderous."

"Do you want me to sic the hyenax on you?" Vader asked incredulously.

"There are several problems with killing me. One, you will probably cease to exist. And two, both of your children will also probably cease to exist, because I don't believe Padmé is pregnant yet."

Vader stilled. "Children?"

"Oh yeah! You never found out about Leia!" He gestured to Leia.

Leia sighed. "Anakin, you just made this even harder."

Anakin tilted his head. "How?"


"I'm Anakin's daughter," Leia said coldly. "And Senator Amidala's daughter. And also the daughter of Bail and Breha Organa, who loved and raised me. Who you killed on Alderaan."

"I feel the need to mention that I was not the one who pressed the big red planet killing button," Vader corrected.

"No matter what, I am not your daughter." Leia crossed her arms.

Obi-Wan sighed. "Why must I deal with this many Skywalkers at once? Leia, we're trying to convince him that he is still Anakin, not get him to dissociate himself further!"

"What is happening?" Vader grumbled. "And why is it happening?"

"I never thought I would share the same sentiment as Darth kriffing Vader , but here we are," Han muttered.

"Is anyone going to cut to the chase?" older Obi-Wan asked cheekily.


Eventually Luke, bright and cheery like the beautiful star he was, said, "We're here to convince you to kill the emperor."

"I will not disobey my master!" Vader shouted.

"Why couldn't you have thought like that twenty years ago?" Obi-Wan lamented. "You were quite fabulous at disobeying me, Anakin."

"Besides," Leia added, "the fact that you're entertaining this thought instead of killing us, either with your lightsaber or the pack of vicious creatures who are currently bowing to you, proves that you're considering what we're saying." She crossed her arms.

"If Palpatine is the Sith..." Anakin searched for something from his time he knew about the Sith. "...he's responsible for those assasination attempts on Padmé."

Fury radiated off of Vader, but he did not say anything in response.

"He was probably the one to kill Padmé in the end, to," older Obi-Wan added. "I don't believe for a second she just 'lost the will to live' right after giving birth to two beautiful babies."

"You mean..." Vader's tone was low and dangerous. "That... Padmé... " Anakin could tell how painful it was for him to speak her name, and Anakin fully understood. "...just faded out... at the same time as Sidious somehow revived me and helped me to live."

Everyone in the group's eyes widened with understanding.


"Does this mean you're on board with killing the emperor?" Luke asked cheerily, defying the heavy mood that had settled in among them.

"I will make him pay ," he growled, fists clenched. Then he suddenly relaxed, his mood entirely changing. "Can I bring the hyenax?"

"No!" Han interjected. "No, it was already crazy enough on that ship with the Skywalkers and Obi-Wans. It'll be even crazier with you. I'm already going insane." Han clutched his head. " Don't cram an entire pack of bloodthirsty creatures onto that ship!"

Vader looked over to the Obi-Wans, seemingly asking for permission.

Definitely still Anakin at heart.

Obi-Wan sighed. " No, Sith Anakin, you may not bring the pack of hyenax onto the ship. I don't know why it was even a question in the first place."

While Vader wore a helmet that masked his emotions, his Force presence and posture indicated that he was pouting. This drove Han even crazier. "Alright. Let's go kill the emperor." He pointed at older Obi-Wan, attempting to revive his intimidating air. "You should know that the only reason I do not kill you is because it would make my children sad." Then he walked - not really, more like stalked - onto the ship, cape billowing behind him.

"Always one for melodrama," Obi-Wan said with a shake of his head.

Anakin gaped. "I was not that bad." Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't!"

"Alright guys, back on the ship." Leia once again commenced shoving them. "We've got a Sith emperor to kill."

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