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[Just a disclaimer, this story is mostly going to consist of non-canon plotlines, howev er there will be some chapters dedicated to canon events. So, some characters/plot lines would have already happened outside of chapters, but I won't be writing about their introductions. I don't want this to be a play-by-play of the manga/anime.]

    The harsh clack of a tile landing in opposition is the only thing to be heard in the room. You beckon Mori to click your fingers for you, while Haruhi feeds you tea. With a calculating gaze, you make your move. A lady faints, clutching her almost comically large pearls. The King shrieks in defeat, the shrill sound breaking the thick tension hanging in the air.

    "You are a foolish man, Suoh," You lowly laugh, palm leaves suddenly fanning you and a path of rose petals miraculously materialising at your feet. "Now you must pay the price for your failure."

    Tamaki's face pales as he looks up from his crouched position on the floor. "Please, I beg of you. Anything but that!"

    A sadistic smile paints your lips, turning into a crazed cackle. "It must be done... Failure was never an option," with a wave of your hand, a large binder appears in your arms, courtesy of Fujioka. "One month's worth of homework to be completed," you slowly flick through the sizeable stack. "For thirty days, I have been chased by teachers, given detentions, and had phone calls to my house, all because I have ignored this behemoth."

    The blonde trembles. "I will give you anything else. You can be the new..." His breath hitches, struggling to continue. "The new King. Anything but your schoolwork, it's too much!"

    "Now, now, dear Tamaki. A true gentleman honours his bets."

    "Technically, a true gentleman doesn't bet at all." Kyoya cuts in.

    "So, you will take this binder, along with two others, and complete it all within a week."

    Fujioka's face pales. "That does seem a little harsh, Senpai."

    "You're saying this to the guy who is the main admin on his mother's hate page,"

    "Quite frankly, I am appalled that you all seem to be against me on this. I'm fighting a child with childish behaviour, what's the issue with that?" You query, directing Mori to hand Tamaki the piles of ignored homework.

    "You know what they say." Kaoru begins.

    "You can't fight fire with fire." Hikaru finishes.

    "Watch me."


    The car rolls up along the expansive driveway, lined with expensive path lights and handsome statutes. Your driver spares you the trouble of opening the car door, allowing you to enter your house without lifting a finger. It makes you cringe, thinking of the unnecessary lengths your workers feel they must go to appease you.

    "Welcome home!" Your butler and staff greet you, each ready with what you will need for the remainder of your day. Once again, you internally cringe, hating yourself for being part of a gross system such as this.

    With strident steps, your butler wordlessly escorts you across the never-ending foyer and to the top of the sweeping staircase. Along your way, you notice an unusual chatter coming from the usually vacant parlour room. You overhear the word 'engagement'; yet another party you'll have to unwillingly attend, no doubt. "It's rare we have guests." You muse to Clement, your butler.

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