Win the throne

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The wedding for Prince Maelys and his new bride Lady Esme Lannister was another blessing inside the capital. There was peace in the air, everyone in king's landing and outside of king's landing are happy that there is not fighting, no wars. That all is right.

After the wedding, Prince Maelys and Esme go to the bed ceremony where she told everything to him on what her grandfather was planning. Where Esme knows that Prince Maelys would not betray his own brother. With the information he got from Esme, he would take the matter to his father because it is of important issues that the king or the king to be to take care of matters like this.

Old lord Otto Lannister stood in front of the small council looking at the faces of the king and each member of the small council. Where Otto was unbelievable pissed at his granddaughter for speaking the truth of his plans, the old war general had to be taken out by the kingsguard due to him trying to get to Esme across the table.

" Thank you Lady Esme for speaking the truth to my son. I appreciate it greatly." Aegon spoke

" Your welcome, your grace. I did not want to be apart of my grandfather's ambition any long that I was before."

Aegon smiled and left the small council chambers where later Esme and Prince Maelys walk out of the council rooms going about the palace.

Over the next few years Queen Annora give birth to a few more sons. Ending for her, having eight sons since she has been Queen. Between her and Aegon have found love over those years, like the first time he saw her in the north.

When Aegon reached old age he could feel that he was going to go. He made the plans for his son and heir Prince Rhaegar to become King once he was dead. In the fall of King's landing, King Aegon the 7th of his name was in his chambers slowly slipping away. Everyone was called in to say their last goodbyes to the king. Aegon's wives, the ones that survived said their goodbye's to the king one by one.

It hurt for the Queen's to watch Aegon leave and so they stayed until that came. Also his children along with his grandchildren said goodbye's to the great King that changed history for the better. In the middle of the night, Queen Annora was holding Aegon's hand. All of the sudden Aegon opened his eyes looking around the room seeing some of his children and grandchildren with his wives inside his rooms. But then he looked to his left seeing his hand was being held by Annora.

He smiled at that. And started to speak.

" My dear little wolf. How much I am going to miss you. And I wish that you can come with me but that is very selfish for me to do that. My little wolf, after I am gone, promise me one thing?" Aegon said

Annora looked at him with tears going down her face.

" What is it that you need my promise?" Annora said with a shaking voice.

" Promise me that you will live. To be happy. Enjoy life to the fullest, even though that might sound very pathetic at this moment" Aegon said as he laughed.

Annora laughed as well shaking her head. Taking a deep breath, she nodded her head, letting him know that she understands.

She leads in to kiss him on the lips one last time. He embraced her in his arms, trying to calm her nerves down, where it worked as Annora closed her eyes going to sleep in the arms of a man she loves.

When morning came around Annora woke up checking on Aegon to see if he was okay. But he was not. King Aegon 7th passed away in his sleep in the middle of the night. Annora knew that now, she started to cry again and the other wives came closer to the bed and surrounded Aegon as they all cried in silence.


All dressed in black everyone made their way to the sept for the burial of King Aegon 7th. The Queens stood together holding hands with each other as they watched on. King Aegon 7th was put to rest and the last goodbye's were done. Moving from the sept, all went to the throne room where as ordered Prince Rhaegar became the new king of the six kingdoms.

Inside the throne room Annora watched her sons with saddened faces as lord and ladies paid their respect towards them. Coming up on her left the new king Rhaegar wanted to speak with Annora before the day processed further.

" Queen Mother Annora" Rhaegar said

" Your grace" Annora said as she bowed.

" I wanted to speak with you, if you don't mind." Rhaegar said

" Oh, no, not at all your grace". Annora said

" I have a feeling that you will head back to the north? If you do, I will not stop you but I ask for one thing in return." Rhaegar said

" And what is that?" Annora said

" That you promise to come back here. My brothers will need their mother more than ever and I am the same, I would like it if you stayed here in the capital." Rhaegar said

" Oh your grace, I am honored"

" Just think about it, and let me know what you decide."

" Yes your grace."


In that moment Annora had to choose a life that is in court life or back at home in the north. It is a simple answer, stay in king's landing, there is were her children are and that is where she will stay.


THE END!!!!!




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