Innocent Rose

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King Aegon made the changes inside king's landing and in other area's of the kingdoms. He kept his son Prince Rhaegar by his side so that the prince can learn the ropes when he became King. The small council bought up the major issue, the prince needs a wife so the line can go on, the master of ships bought up the house Tyrell. The house Tyrell took some time to rebuild from the past but they did. The king thought it was a great idea for the houses of Targaryen and Tyrell to join each other. Both old houses being together for the crown is better than anything, Aegon wrote a letter to the house of Tyrell to come to king's landing. 

When the family got the personal letter from the king, the family made their way to king's landing wondering why the king asked for them to come. Once inside the palace of king's landing the Tyrell family was greeted by the hand and other lords of the court. Soon enough Aegon came in the throne room with his son Rhaegar looking over the Tyrell family. Aegon watched his son's eyes as Rhaegar stopped on the lady Sabine Tyrell. 

Sabine Tyrell is the third born daughter of Lord Tyrell, Aegon nodded his head towards his son before starting to speak. Later that night during the feast Aegon made the announcement known during the feast in front of lord and ladies of the court as well as the Tyrell family, Sabine's sisters were pissed. Lady Sophia and Lady Ava Tyrell stormed out of the room. For Rhaegar, he was very happy and looking forward towards his wedding. 

" My Prince" Lady Sabine said

" And you are my innocent Rose" Rhaegar said 

Not only that the  marriage was locked with house Tyrell, Aegon made the matches with his daughters  the princesses Samara and Dina, the older daughters to Queen Sarrella Martell. To the lord Blackmont to Princess Samara and Lord Qorgyle to Princess Dina. The feast ended on a good note, pretty much all was happy, there was peace but not for long. 

Lady Sabine Tyrell; future Queen of the six kingdoms

Lady Sabine Tyrell; future Queen of the six kingdoms

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