Queen Vs. Queen

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Two years passed by Queen Annora Stark give birth to another son, Prince Gaemon Targaryen. Pretty much all were happy of the news, just a few have grown cold and cruel. Annora raised her sons as much as she could, while for Queen Maeve and Queen Joan have drew a line between each other. They have such a strong hate towards each other it was very thick inside the court. 

For Aegon he could tell that there was something wrong going on but he paid no mind to it. In fact he wanted a break from his wives so he made up a plan for his wives to go on campaign for him, for the people. He first but Annora with Sarrella together going to Dorne first, Annora was all for it. So it took half of a day to get things packed up before heading to the harbour of king's landing. Ser Mooton went along with Annora and Sarrella on the ship. It will be the first time Annora would see Dorne, she could not wait. While the Queens were going on campaigning for him leaving the docks heading further into the waters of the seas Aegon went to his rooms to go to sleep. Getting into his bed closing his eyes, ready for sleep to take him he could not because something was pushed against his throat. Opening his eyes to see someone that he did not think would do something like this at all. Queen Maeve. 

" Maeve? What are you doing." Aegon said

" What I should have done long ago, this has to be done Aegon,  I can not take this much more" Maeve said with tears of anger. 

Maeve and Aegon fought inside the king's rooms, until there was an explosion  that could be seen from Aegon's windows of his rooms. Looking at that Maeve was able to stab Aegon in the shoulder. Pissed off Aegon slapped his wife and she ended up on the ground, the king's guard came running in and taking Maeve away. Aegon raced out of his rooms heading down to the docks to see what happen. Aegon saw one of the ships he saw one of his wives board now is up in wild fire. 

Taking hours from the wreck of the ship he was told that the ones on the ship was Olive and all of the children. And that the cause of their deaths is from Maeve herself. Losing four more children Aegon was starting to wonder why the gods have against him. Heading back inside the palace to press the news that more princes and princesses were now dead Aegon found out that his heir from Cassanna was found dead in his rooms in the middle of the night. As the maester said to Aegon, " The prince had been dead for some time before the explosion later that night, your grace." 

Aegon felt numb from what was happening, things he lost control over. He ordered that his children he had with Maeve be bought to the cells to wait for his orders. But first he went to Maeve to tell her the plan he has for her, something that she will hate for each breath she takes. 


But it did not stop there, Queen Mara, Queen Leonore and Queen Cassanna were told that not only Maeve had a hand in the deaths of the royal children but so did Joan. No one really liked her one bit, and now since Maeve is in the cells the wives don't want Joan to get away with light punishment. So they took it upon themselves to make Joan pay. The Queen's took the live of Joan and her family making it look like an accident inside the gardens of the palace. Aegon did not care anymore. He just working on the kingdoms and trying to be a father to the remaining children he has left. But time to time he looks for comfort with Annora inside her rooms. When Maeve and Joan were taking out of the picture things got better with everyone and inside king's landing. 

In someways things became more alive for all in the kingdoms. Aegon made a new succession of the royal family, he made his son, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen the heir to the iron throne where his heirs would follow then his brothers. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen is the first born son to Queen Sarella Martell. The small council were more than okay with the change of succession for the crown, all supported it. 

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