Chapter 21 | Responses [Penultimate chapter].

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Richards POV.

Its now been the two days between doing the interview and it coming out. Today will be the day we find out peoples responses. With that being said, we've also been home for two days now. The first night Paul went home, he just wanted to sleep in his own bed which is fair, I think I would have done the same. Then the next night he came over and I made some dinner for him. We sat up and did our usual, watched movies together. When we went to bed it took me some time before I fell asleep. I felt too nervous about today. Waking up the first thing that I thought was the interview coming out. I so badly wanted people to know me and Paul were dating, but I don't want the negative repercussions of it. The majority of fans could be okay, but it'll be that few who are angry that will get our attention. Or at least they'll have mine. Paul was already awake but it didn't seem like he had been for long. His eyes were still half closed and he was still cuddling me like a koala. We've grown to be quite close in the morning. Before it was mainly just my issue of not liking mornings in general and Paul trying to improve my moods, but now Paul just likes the extra attention. "Good morning mein Liebchen. How did you sleep?" Paul smiled as he nuzzled into my chest more before glancing up at me, "Morning mein Liebe. I slept well. Did you when you eventually got there?" He said with a small chuckle, shuffling slightly so he could face me more comfortably. "I did. It just took me sometime to chill out." I admitted to Paul. I know he probably knew my reasons, so I didn't bother saying them, instead I just softly smiled at him. Paul gave me a small kiss and a soft pat on my chest, "It'll be okay Reesh. I don't care what anyone thinks anymore. I just need you." I still get that hot, tight feeling in my chest when he says something so sweet. Happiness. Love. I gave him a kiss and pulled him close to me for a tight hug, just wanting to be as close as possible with him right now, for multiple reason.

Soon enough though we decided to get out of bed and go out. I needed some groceries after throwing them all away for over tour. It was a fairly quiet trip, only being recognised twice. Me and Paul are good at blending in, we've had to learn over the years to get anything done. The rest was spent trying to find various foods and a new blender. Mine broke before tour and I liked having one, you can make some nice drinks with one. All this time we attempted to look 'friendly' and not in love. Knowing that it'll happen today and we won't have to be like this again made the uncertainty worth it. Any bad comments would be worth it just to be able to hold his hand more. That's all I want at this point. It's such a simple thing that most couples wouldn't think about, unless your us and hiding things.

Paul did a bit of shopping for his fridge while we were here as well. We also picked up some beers and snacks. Paul then asked" Why don't you stay at mine tonight for a change?" And I agreed, we'd go to his tonight and have something to eat there while we wait for responses to calm down. I'll just keep my food in his fridge until I go home. "Richard, do you want to watch a movie or something after dinner? Or do something else tonight for a change?" Paul asked me as we wandered aimlessly through the isle, coming up to the movie section. I shrugged my shoulders and looked through them, quietly hating the way he said Richard rather than Reesh, "I don't know. What else is there to do?" Paul also shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. We could play something? Oo! Lets get twister!" He all of a sudden had a burst of excitement drawing some looks from elderly people around us, but he just smiled wide at me, ignoring them. I raised an eyebrow at him, "Twister? Really?" Pauls smile didn't falter as he nodded his head, still obviously very excited. "Yea! Come on it'll be fun. Eat. Get drunk. Play twister." I stood looking at him, almost judging what he was saying. We're grown men, in our 50s, going to play twister?... "...Fuck yeah!" I replied smiling wide back at hi . His smile only widened as he threw his hands in the air, making his way towards the kid section for games, "Yes! This'll be so much fun Richard. And a good distraction." He wasn't wrong. At first I felt silly admitting I wanted to do this, but now I can't wait. I haven't played twister in ages.

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