Chapter 11 || More Experiments, Cuddles and Till.

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Richards POV.

W: spicy beginning.

In my own bed, with my... erm whatever Paul is... in my arms as I woke up was another feeling. The happiness of just knowing I was close to him, in my own surroundings, is more than just thinking of him. Imagining. Part of my brain wandered off as I thought of waking up like this every morning. On tour, off tour. Weekdays, weekends. Whenever, I just enjoyed the feeling.

I was on my back with my legs flat against the bed as Paul cuddled closer to me, his leg flung across my waist area. I stroked up and down his back gently, then the innocence of the cuddling was broken by a sound he made. It honestly sounded like he was moaning. Maybe he was having a fun sort of dream. I chuckled to myself, trying to do it softly so I didn't shake Paul too much. Another noise rolled off his lips, definitely a moan this time and I felt something poke against my leg. Yep, definitely a fun dream. Do I wake him up? Leave him? But if I leave him is that weird? Leaving him to have that sort of dream while in bed with me? Him literally pushed against my leg? The thought honestly made me also get a little turned on, wondering what he's dreaming of. Me maybe? I hope so.

He moaned again before turning into me more and I saw his eyes open slowly. Paul groaned and shoved his face into my chest making me chuckle again, "Morning. Angry you're awake? Or angry your little dream was interrupted?"
"Hmmm both." He replied in his deeper than usual morning voice, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. "Hm, what was the dream?" I looked down at him and saw his cheeks go slightly blushed as he tried to hide his face against my chest, playing it off as cuddling closer. "Uh well, I uh, I can't remember properly... I don't know." He mumbled into my chest. Bullshit. Contemplating what I should do for a second I decided to be bold. Make a move quickly.

I made sure to be a level of rough that would excite him but also gentle that it wouldn't hurt. I flipped us so I was on top of him, resting my body between his legs and holding his arms beside his body. A deeper blush reached Paul's face as he tried to avoid eye contact which I didn't let happen and I smirked, "You can't remember? Do you want to rethink that Paulie?" Paulie? Where'd that come from? Let's go with it I guess. Paul gulped as his throat dried, "I uh, well it involved you. Me. A bit like this actually..." He still didn't have any shirt on from last night, and neither did I, so I took the opportunity to kiss his neck down to his chest while he talked. As he talked, he wrapped his legs around my waist keeping me there and I came up to be eye level with him again and smirked at his response. "Oh really? Is my Paul having fun dreams about me? How flattering." Despite my cocky attitude at the moment, it actually was flattering. It was nice knowing Paul was feeling the same way about me which made me feel not only happy, but slightly horny as well I have to admit. Listen, I'm a guy, when it comes to this sort of thing it's easy to be excited. Especially if it's with someone new, someone like Paul, someone I've been thinking about a lot recently. "I mean, I can't not really... When you look like you do Reesh, it's a bit difficult. And after last nights... activities." He's trying to be seductive, aaannd it's working. I wanted this little talking session to be over, so started to kiss down his neck and chest again. Paul arched his back slightly and moaned, I'm guessing from the anticipation, and released his leg grip around me. Paul helped me last night, I'll help him this morning.

The feeling at first was weird, stroking Paul in my hand. Obviously I knew how it was to touch myself but someone else was different. But it was good, good to know I was helping him and hopefully he was enjoying it. A long, loud moan told me he was more than happy with my actions and he moved for a few more kisses which I gladly reciprocated. Then, once I'd got a bit more comfortable I was curious what it'd be like to have him in my mouth like he'd done to me. It was a weird feeling and weird taste. Not necessarily a good taste either but because it made Paul feel good, I was happy. Moaning some more he held his hands in my hair, holding it relatively tight, he was even slightly pulling my hair, I didn't care though. His voice, his moans. Deep and long, waiting for release was enough to drive me insane and ignore the slight pain. "Reesh! Richard! I'm going to cum. Now, Richard!" He moaned, tugging my hair more and I had just enough time to move my mouth before he came on his stomach. His precum alone tasted weird and I wasn't going for a mouth full... not yet. I'm curious.

He sighed and I looked up at him to see him looking at me still breathing a little heavy. Paul smiled and ran his hands through my hair as I came back up to give him a small kiss. I cleaned his stomach with a tissue from my bedside table and laid back down next to him, he kissed my chest as he cuddled up to me again. "Reesh, I know you should never really say this after something like that but thank you." He smiled wide while looking at me. "Of course, you helped me, I help you. And I wanted to anyway." We stayed quiet for a few minutes, just enjoying the silence, before Paul spoke up in a sort of happy, joking tone, "Reesh... I'm hungry." He chuckled which made me laugh a little as well but I had to agree, "Yea so am I... Should we order something? That way I can stay in bed all day with you." I smiled at the thought, a full day with this man is great anyway never mind in the way. "Aww Reesh. We can do that if that's what you want. I definitely don't have any problem with that." So, we ordered some food. We'd woke up about 10 and by the time... everything, had settled down it was close to half 11 so we ordered dinner. When it came I got out of bed and put on a loose black t-shirt and some baggy pants before going to the door. I moved quick so I could get back to Paul as soon as possible. He was warm and apparently I'd have no heating today... I'll sort that when I can be bothered, it's probably just something to do with the radiators.

When I was back in my room Paul was sat up in bed on his phone. His back was resting against the headboard, legs spread directly in front of him, left hand holding his phone, right itching his head. I can't explain it but he looked cosy, just something about him was comfy looking. Like cuddling with him right now would be the best thing. Usually I wouldn't eat in bed but I don't want to move him. I gave Paul his food and sat back next to him with mine. We ate in comfortable silence before I turned to him, swallowing the last bite I'd taken. "Want to watch a movie?" Paul nodded his head yes with a mouth full of food he mumbled, "You pick." Trying not to spit it everywhere which made me chuckle. I'm always the one to pick the movies, after a while I run out of good ideas. I was scrolling mindlessly through the channels when I heard Paul chuckle, "Reesh it doesn't need to be a master piece, just something for background noise. Lets be honest, we're not going to watch it, not properly. We'll be talking and stuff so just pick something, anything." With this I settled on the first half decent movie I saw and finished my lunch.

The rest of the day went like this, half watching the movie half not. Cuddling each other. Giving little caring kisses towards each other every now and then. I couldn't make this day any better honestly, even if I could I wouldn't change anything. Around 5pm I heard a knock at my door. I wasn't expecting anyone so I got up, untangling myself from Paul and headed to the door, "Not sure who that could be." I said more to myself than to Paul. "I'll be back in a second." I told Paul walking towards the door, he just smiled at me and nodded. It was warm again so I only had my shorts and no shirt on, I just went to the door like this. When I unlocked and opened it my mood dropped as I saw Till's face smiling at me.

AN// sorry there was no chapter last sunday, it was fathers day so i was preoccupied lol I hope yous are enjoying it so far, byee

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