Chapter 6 | Eruh? Paul?

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Richards POV.

It's been about a month since the first Ausländer 'incident'. Me and Paul are good, we still do the hugs or even a kiss at the end of Ausländer. I think Paul really does enjoy it, at least he always seems happy but I'm still not sure why honestly. Maybe just because we're best friends and he's happy about... yea I really don't know. And I was correct, Flake hasn't mentioned my problem since I told him, not even to me. However, it's still very relevant. My feelings for Paul are still as strong, I'd say even stronger, than they were a month ago. But since that day of talking to Flake and realising I was making Paul upset by not talking to him, I have pushed the feelings away and been his friend happily as much as I could.

Currently, we've just finished a show and are on our way to the next city. Tonight, we have a small hour travel and then we have a hotel for the night, thank the lords! First time in over a month. We arrive on time and that's when our tour manager turns to us, "Okay, so," he huffed a little, "We were a little late on getting the hotel because we didn't know we needed one, obviously." Our next show was supposed to be a day one but it got moved to the night, that's why there's a small change. "So, there are four rooms, so four need to share if that's okay for you guys? So, two pairs." We all nod understanding and Till said, "Well it can't be helped. So... Me and Flake can share, I'm sure that'll work." Flake silently agreed, no surprise there them two are inseparable right now, more than usual honestly. Besides them two, the obvious next share was me and Paul, but can I deal with that right now?.. All the guys seemed to look at me and Paul, we were stood next to each other, and I made a silent sigh of defeat but didn't let it be noticed, "Me and Paul are good to share, right Paul?" Paul nodded yes without hesitation, "Yep, good with me." Our manager made a noise of understanding and carried on, "Okay, well, one more catch... one of you pairs, either Till and Flake or Paul and Richard will have to share a bed..." That's a great catch! Thanks for that! I know Till and Flake won't, Till can't sleep so he'll keep Flake up and Paul's a heavier sleeper so even with me also not sleeping, we're the only option really. "We can. Till is too restless, he'll keep Flake awake and as much as we love you Flake, it's the one time when you get grumpy is when you haven't slept." Paul said, like he's reading my mind, looking at Till then out manager. Flake and Till agreed while Paul turned to me, silently asking me if it was okay. I played it off and smiled while nodding, looking at all the guys, "Oh yea of course, makes sense."

We were told our room floor and numbers and we made our way there. Mine and Pauls room was kind of out the way from the rest of the guys seen as it was deemed a 'couple' room and this hotel kept single rooms and double rooms separate. Don't know why but it made for an interesting time now. Me and Paul arrive at the room and Paul opens the door while I carry both our bags in, I had offered to carry it for him, it was only small anyway. Paul thanks me and follows me inside locking the door behind him. The room is simple. It was a decent size with a king size bed in the centre, two drawers on either side both with lamps. A wardrobe on the wall closets to the door, on the other side away from the door is a small desk in front of a large window. A TV sits on the wall directly in front of the bed, good I love watching movies in bed when there's nothing else to do.

There was also a bathroom as you walk into the room to the left in its own room consisting of a toilet, sink, shower and bath. The whole room is a light grey colour with accents of blue. It was good. As we entered I put down the bags down momentarily and turned to Paul, "So, erm what side of the bed do you prefer? Any in particular?" Don't make this awkward Richard.
"Hmm, closest to the window if that's okay." I nod and take my bag to my side of the bed and Paul does the same with his. We silently begin to pull out things we'll need for the night, I also prepare my clothes and things for tomorrow so I'm prepared.

At this point it's about half nine so Paul gets up to go get washed and changed for bed in the bathroom. I take this opportunity to look for something on TV. Flicking through the channels I find a movie which is good enough for this time of night and start watching it. Another ten minutes pass and Paul enters the room again. This is a good point to mention it's quite warm today and this room is no exception. So, fairly, Paul is just in a pair of loose shorts and no shirt. Learning my mistakes from that time on the bus, I take a subtle look and then smile at him playing my look off as a simple friendly gesture, getting up to do the same as him.

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