Chapter 18 || Friday night, date night.

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Richards POV.
(warning: spicy end)

Today was Friday, our date night. Our first proper date. At first it was just to make up to Paul for yelling at him, but now I was truly looking forward to it.

Paul had gone to take a shower and I had laid on the bed. Apparently I was tired because not to long after him leaving I was asleep. It wasn't proper sleep, just light. That's why I woke up so easily when Paul walked in. I'm a light sleeper but this was to another level even for me. Once Paul saw I was awake he came over to my side of the bed, towel wrapped tightly around his waist as he crouched down, kissing my forehead lightly leaving a warm slightly wet feeling there. "Sorry if I woke you up Reesh, I didn't mean to." He moved a small bit of hair out of my face which was just about to poke my eye as I replied, "It's okay Paul. It was just a nap anyway." Pauls hair was so short that it was basically already dry besides one or two last drops falling down the side of his face which I gently wiped away. I sat up with a groan as Paul stood up, going over to his suitcase to get his clothes. "What should I wear tonight? Since I don't know what we're doing or where we're going." I wanted it to be a surprise for him. "Hm, something nice but doesn't have to be fancy. You're handsome in anything you choose though." I could tell my comment had made Paul smile, even without seeing his face. He rummaged through his suitcase and I just sat, watching him quietly. Paul made small humming sounds as he looked through a few pieces of clothing before he seemed to settle on something. "How about a white shirt and some black jeans?" I'm definitely not complaining at that image. "Sounds good Paul."
"I think I'll just put on some shorts and a t-shirt for now though until it's closer to the time, too warm for proper clothes." I didn't reply, there wasn't any point really. I was still watching him when he stood back up, hands clutching clean underwear, socks, shorts and a top. He walked back over to the bathroom and I heard his feet padding along the tiled floor, sticking ever so slightly to the still partly wet ground.

Not so long after this Paul came back into the room, sitting at the small desk. It seemed like he just wanted a change, something different to sit on other than the bed. Paul looked out the window in front of the desk, resting his elbows on the wood. It had just started spitting, small drops of rain ran down the window slowly. I heard him huff and put his head in his hands. I chuckled quietly to myself and got off the bed, walking behind him. I rested my arms around his shoulders and lent down to give him a kiss on his cheek. "What's the matter my liebechen?" He turned to look over his shoulder at me, smiling bright. "That's a new name, I like it." He then turned back to the window, his mood dampening again. "It's going to rain. It'll be cold and gloomy for our first date." This made me chuckle again and I cuddle him from behind more, nuzzling his neck lightly, "You're cute Paul. It doesn't matter about the weather, just as long as we're together. Oh look, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it." Paul gave me a cringing look but it was fake and soon turned into a chuckly grin. Paul leaned his head back over the chair against my chest and sighed, "You're right. Rains actually quite romantic at times. Walking home in the rain. Laying, just listening to the rain and watching it. You think we could do that tonight Reesh?"
"If you like Paul, of course." I nodded my head yes as I unwrapped my arms from around his shoulders, "Right, now though I need a shower. I stink and who wants to go on a date with that."

Soon enough it was 5:30pm, we would need to set off at 6. I ventured off into the bathroom to get changed and Paul stayed in the bedroom, we did this figuring I'd probably take the longest. I'd picked out my clothes just after my shower. I'd chosen a long sleeve black shirt which had a slightly red hint to it, a black waistcoat, black jeans, which honestly felt a little bit more leathery and looked a bit more shiny than my usual but I didn't mind, and then some of my smarter black boots to finish the outfit. I did my hair, not spiking it so much as usual but still doing my signature look, just a little smarter. Added a small bit of eyeliner, checked my nail varnish for chips and looked over myself in the mirror. Hopefully I look good to Paul.

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