Chapter 19 || Continued fun and serious words.

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3rd person POV.
(because I can, and warning the spice continues for basically this whole chapter. don't like it, don't read it [: but read the end, it's cute <3 and there's a large note right at the end of something i need help with.. anyways, on with the spice!)

Unknown to Richard, Paul felt the same. The shorter man loved Richards body and always has. From the younger days where Richard was leaner and more muscular, to now where Richard had a cute podginess but was still so fucking hot to Paul. Even more so than the younger Richard. Obviously Paul hadn't noticed then since these feelings weren't at the surface, but now looking back and seeing old pictures Paul definitely had a different appreciation for the taller mans younger body.

Paul eased back onto the bed as Richard laid with his body slightly hovering over Paul. The two exchanged strong, long lasting kisses mixed with a few hot messy ones that slipped in truly showing their desire for each other. Richards hand found its way into Pauls shorts, pulling them down slowly, as if waiting for some sort of consent from Paul. Instead of verbal Paul in exchange took Richards off of him as well, sort of as an evening. Now the two men laid back kissing, just in boxers. Richard had re positioned himself to lay in between Pauls legs now fully on top of him, a weight pinning Paul willingly to the bed. And Pauls legs were wrapping themselves around Richards waist, willing the taller man to come closer. Richard didn't have any issue with this, he instead allowed Paul to pull him in closer, gently rubbing his crotch again the other mans whose was also growing with excitement.

They continued this for a small while before Richard broke away for a second, catching his breath slightly before he spoke, "Paul, I I don't want to make you do anything you don't want, we can stop whenever you want." These words made Pauls heart swell with happiness at Richards consideration and he gave the man laid on top of him a small smile, "Reesh, if I didn't want this, I'd tell you. You know that right? I trust you and want this. I want this as long as you do to." Richard smiled at Paul, silently showing he was okay with this. Pauls happy, almost innocent smile quickly kinked into a more devilish smirk as he grabbed the back of Richard head, gently pulling him closer and whispering closer to his ear, "Come on then Reesh. Have some fun with me." Paul was trying to seduce Richard, even though Richard was already sufficiently seduced, but somehow this just increased his desire.

Richard smirked back at Paul and started kissing his way down Pauls body slowly, teasingly. Pauls seductive and playful attitude soon changed and he was quickly wriggling in anticipation of what Richard would do. How would Richard touch him this time? Would it be different or not? Paul wasn't sure but attempted to shove these thoughts aside, enjoying whatever came in the moment. Richard pulled the band of Pauls boxers slightly as he continued kissing down his body slowly, waiting to see how patient the man under him would be in such a situation. Surprisingly, Paul was very patient. In fact, to Richard, it almost seemed as though the man enjoyed the teasing, the waiting, the not knowing. Which Paul did. Richard continued his way down, down Pauls body until faced with where he was hoping to stop. Without any hurry again, he pulled down the only remaining clothing on Paul, letting his excited dick spring free. Paul was happy for this; it was starting to become uncomfortably tight for him. Richard stroked Paul a few times, almost easing him into it. Easing them both into it really, after all this is only the second time they're encountered each others bodies in this way. The feeling was familiar, to both Richard and Paul, when Richard lowered his head and gently started to suck on the other mans dick. Paul couldn't help the small "fuck" that left his mouth on that first contact. Richard was slowly improving as he went, learning what made Paul moan the most. Learning what made Pauls hands grip the back of Richards head, tangling his fingers in his hair. It was all fun and games, but Richard soon stopped. He smirked at the noise Paul made. Obviously he was getting slightly impatient now at Richards leisurely pace but Richard had other ideas. He kissed his way back up Pauls body, ready to give him kisses and maybe tease a bit more, but as soon as he came face to face with the man bellow him, Paul gripped his shoulders and spun them.

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