CHAPTER TWO. / A Relic of Red

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"A better place. Imagine an idyllic corner, where you can tuck all your thoughts, dreams, and hopes into. Which serves as a translator for your emotions, an enigma only you can understand. Which can shape itself into many things: scrolls, statues, and ballads. This is the abode of artists. Who have been at work for millennials, creating–"

The people of Teyvat had once believed that people were created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. The Archons, fearing the people's immense power would one day surpass them, split the humans in two, leaving them with only one side of their previous body. These new creatures became drenched in misery, unable to care for themselves, not caring if they lived or died anymore, for they had lost their other half.

But the Poet of the Archons, Venti, could not bear to see them writhe away in their own agony; so he restored their will to continue to be, and gave them a burning desire to seek their other half, or halves, otherwise known as a soulmate. Once they had found the other parts of them, their bodies would be infused as one again, and they would know no greater joy.

Some people spend most, if not all of their lives seeking their other halves, and some find theirs young. Love is like a gamble, every time you choose to place your heart in the hands of another, you are taking a risk.

They might take your heart, and tear it into two, they could let it slip from their grasp, unfeelingly. The most tragic of all are those who never find love in their allotted lifetime, and are forced to suffer with the ailment of loneliness.

Those who are blessed by infatuation view it like a gift upon humanity, giving the world colour amongst all the grey; but those who have truly experienced love know that it is a fickle thing, a double-edged blade, a bloodied traitor with blazing eyes and sinful lips.

Daisuke Naganohara belonged to the former group. He was one of the lucky ones, if you saw it that way. He knew he had found his soulmate at a very young age, but he had let her slip out of his grasp.

Oh... what irony! He had his one and only soulmate, and they had turned around and walked out of his life. If his life was a fanfiction, (of course it wasn't), his readers would be giving him the 'L' sign right now.

Not a single day did pass when he didn't think of her glistening golden eyes that held such a fire, unable to be quenched. That deadly fire which had led her into joining the Shogun's army, leading them into the world of lies and deception.

But Her Highness, Princess Sangonomiya will lead us to a better world! Daisuke thought with conviction, furrowing his brow as he sucked in his rosy, cherubic cheeks. Raiden Shogun is a brutal and ruthless Archon who strips away the ambitions of her people– their reason to live. How could Kazumi possibly work for her?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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