I Saw the Sign

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**(HELLO! Thank you for checking out this fun little tale based off of The Legend of Zelda's Ocarina of Time. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will be doing some editing on this piece, as I feel it is in need of some TLC. Feel free to peruse as it is completed! As a disclaimer: I have two endings for my readers. You can keep it cute and fluffy and innocent, or you can read the naughty version. Thanks once more and please check out my other work based off of Twilight Princess: Part of your Realm) **

Your POV

The signs were all over castle town.

Well, all over Hyrule actually. You couldn't even escape looking at them in your native home of Kakariko Village. It was official that Link was to be wed. You longingly stared at his handsome face peering at you from a poster. You tried to suppress the crippling ache in your chest that Link would be betrothed. Now that he was the infamous "Hero of Time," every girl was vying for him.

The poster stated an official competition would be held.

Suitresses/Suitors from Hyrule and beyond were welcome to enter a fierce competition for the hero's heart. The competition would consist of three rounds. The first round would be archery, as the wife of the hero should be able to help defend him on his long and perilous journeys. The second round would be a cook off. For his beloved should always nourish him mind, body and soul. The third round would be an official ball held by the royal family. All contestants must be well versed in the Hylian waltz, to demonstrate their grace and poise as the hero's wife.

You could enter the contest as you were an incredibly gifted archer, cook and dancer. In fact, there was one major advantage you held over the other contestants. And that advantage was that you have been Link's friend since childhood. "There's no way Link would marry me." You whispered in defeat at the prospect of your best friend and one true love belonging to you. You were fairly certain Link didn't view you as anything more than a friend. With an exasperated huff you marched away from the raggedy poster, only to step on one that had fallen from the sky.

"The hero shall be wed! Rejoice! For all of Hyrule celebrates the sacrifices of our hero! We implore that he shall be justly loved. Let the Goddesses proclaim!" A plump woman stood on a balcony, throwing posters from the sky. Women gave giddy chuckles as they caught them and stared. You could hear murmuring from all around you. All these strangers were so confident they could win Link's heart, yet you the one who knew him best had no confidence at all. You hurriedly finished shopping, famished and ready to return home to Kakariko.

Of course, as you leave your last shop you bump into the green clad hunk. Link sees you, his face glowing as though it had been shot with a light arrow. "Y/N!"

His gaze is set on you as his strong blue eyes seem to drink in every inch of you. Was it your imagination, or did his eyes travel your body up and down and linger a bit too long? You chided yourself, deciding it was wishful thinking. Why would Link be checking you out? Another poster was stuck to a wall beside you, gently swaying with the faint breeze that rolled by. You couldn't help but stare at it. Link seemed to follow your gaze, his expression shifting with discomfort. "Will you be competing for me to take your hand?"

You rolled your e/c eyes at him. "Pssht, I would just make the competition too difficult. You know I'd show these girls up and it isn't fair. They all deserve a fair shot." You did your best to feign indifference. "How does it feel to be so wanted? To have the most beautiful women in all of Hyrule and beyond compete for a chance to wed the "Hero of Time."

He seemed to grimace at the hero of time comment. "I'm still Link, Y/N." His expression turned solemn, then he questioned, "and what good is it to be wanted by someone if you don't want them in return?"

What was that supposed to mean? You weren't sure if your friend had a crush on anyone. He had told you of the many people he crossed paths with during his journey. Maybe he liked the red-headed farm girl? Or the green haired sage from his time in the forest? What about the princess herself?

Feeling your heart palpitate, you flicked your long, h/c hair over your shoulder. You grabbed a loose tendril, nervously wrapping it around your finger.



Suddenly Link moved his fingers to a small whisp of hair in your eye. He tenderly tucked it in with the rest of your tresses. Instead of moving his hand, he continued to run his fingers through your thick, h/c locks. You both were trapped staring at each other. Neither one brave enough to usher a word. Ever since he came back from beating Ganondorf, things had grown awkward between you both. Perhaps you were both growing apart. You were saddened by the idea of this. You also knew that if he was to wed, you wouldn't be able to remain close like before anyway.

Link broke the silence, "Please come and support me?" A need took over his eyes, a desperation. In that moment, he was just the Link you knew. The Link that wanted the support of his best friend.

"I'd do anything for you."

You felt like crying, because in your heart of hearts you knew your declaration was true. As you arrived home to Kakariko, you ran to the graveyard, dropping to your knees.

"I'd do anything for you because I love you...Link."

A/N: Edited 1/23/23

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