Blast From The Past

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Grading System: (for your reference)

Pass Grades:
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)

Students have recently finished their exams and got back their scores. Tom naturally got all O's while Aurelia got a few O's and E's. Abraxas, Irene, Pandora and Adam got similar grades with Aurelia. Daphne and Emmet luckily got a few E's and A's. Now, it was time to leave Hogwarts for their summer holiday. Tom and Aurelia were required to stay in the orphanage for two whole months. They already asked Headmaster Dippet if they could stay at Hogwarts, but unfortunately they couldn't. Their friends offered for them to stay at their homes, but Tom and Aurelia didn't want to be a burden.

Meanwhile, Atlas Whitewell was growing closer with Aurelia. Tom was far too busy studying for his exams to notice. But now that they were done with Finals, and going back to the orphanage, he wouldn't need to worry about Whitewell for a while. But if he continued meddling with Lilah in second year, it would be a bit of a problem.

Besides Tom's protectiveness, Pandora and Alistair were really hitting it off. Irene had finished stage two. She conversed with Alistair, his friends, and managed to do a little background research on his family, all while getting wonderful grades. She even had time to read the latest book series her favorite author wrote and learn to crochet. Her friends wouldn't be surprised if Irene managed to break a world record or invent something.

Now, our favorite Slytherins were on the train ride back home. They talked and laughed and soaked up as much magic as they could, especially Tom and Aurelia. They weren't permitted to use magic in the orphanage. Aurelia was a bit upset about it, but she was still allowed to talk to her friends through the muggle way of sending letters. Most of Tom's friends weren't exactly allowed to send letters through muggle post since their parents monitored their mail. But Emmet volunteered to write and update Tom during the two months.

At long last the train reached London, where Tom and Aurelia were greeted with Mrs. Cole. "Did you make sure you got all your stuff? I'm terribly busy at the orphanage. Come along you two" She quickly said as she sped walk them to the orphanage. Oh how Tom despised this place. He and Aurelia's mothers died there, kids picked on them daily, there was little to no food, and everyone was prone to getting sick. The only good thing was that he and Aurelia would get to sleep in the same bed again. That was the only thing he missed in this dreadful place, he genuinely thinks that he would never get tired of the feeling of having Lilah in his arms. Never.

The children walked up the stairs following Mrs. Cole to their room. "The younger children are downstairs in the playroom with Ms. Raine for their afternoon story time, so you won't be seeing them for a while. Stella got sick again, so try to stay away from her room. Aisha and Layla were adopted not too long ago, and five children joined us" she informed before she dashed back downstairs, no doubt needing to attend to the other children.

Tom began unpacking his trunk and putting his clothes away in his cabinet. "Looks like nothing changed much around here"

"At least we still get to stay in a room together" Aurelia said as she began hiding her books and other magical things under Tom's bed. The children were more terrified of him than her.

"That's the only positive thing in this place, Lilah, can I ask you a question"

"Sure, I don't see why not"

"Have you ever thought about your future? What do you wish to become after we graduate" Tom was curious. For the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do. What would happen once he graduated Hogwarts? He didn't want a boring and predictable ministry job. Sure he could try to become minister of magic but he'd be too busy to spend time with Lilah.

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