Presents and Lies

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It had been two days since Tom and Aurelia had their "talk". Aurelia confronted him about the whole blood supremacy and you wanna know what Tom did?

Flashback two days ago:

"Can we talk?"

"Of course, Lilah" Tom softly said as he guided her to the couch. He noticed that she was slightly tense around him, she was always comfortable with his hugs, what happened?

Aurelia took a deep breath and finally asked "Do you and our friends believe the whole blood purity thing?". Internally, she hoped that he would have a proper explanation, but deep inside her knew that what he did was absolutely unforgivable.

Tom looked at her with wide eyes and a shocked expression. How did she find out? He knew that none of their friends told her before the train ride, so who could've told her? Tom's brain began to look through their memories throughout the day. He remembered not seeing her in the great hall, but the only people they met were... those Hufflepuff mudbloods. Tom should've seen this coming, he hated how stupid he felt. He should've kept her away from mudbloods that he instulted.

"Is it true? Answer me" Aurelia whispered. By now, her eyes began to water and she felt the same lump in her throat from the first time she found out about this.


End of flashback

Aurelia and Tom were eating breakfast in the great hall. It was a usual morning. Edith and Edmund on the other hand were appalled. Didn't Aurelia confront Tom? How was she so calm? She was disgusted with him yesterday. Instead of being angry at their latest friend, they were livid at Tom. He definitely did something to her.

"Lilah, do you remember what happened at dinner yesterday?"

"Hmm, my memory's a bit blurry actually. All I know was we ate together, and fell asleep reading in the common room, why do you ask?" Aurelia answered while Tom spread chocolate syrup on her waffles.

"No reason"

The two friends continued to be in their little world separated from everyone else, completely unaware of the fact that a certain professor was eyeing them as he ate some sherbet lemons.


Tom was extremely proud of himself for not only erasing her memories, but also altering them. It was an extremely advanced spell and he was able to do it as a first year. He recently began reading the more advanced books in the library, until he got bored. One night he decided to check out the restricted section. he knew it would ruin his perfect image, but his curiosity was killing him.

The night he snuck out however, Abraxas caught him. But instead of reporting him to the office, he offered to be of assistance instead. His family were well known for their vast knowledge and libraries related to the dark arts. Tom asked him to bring back books from the Malfoy Library all related to dark magic. He also asked the rest of his "friends" to check their family libraries. It was amusing to him how they all thought they were friends. Sure Tom found their company amusing, he would almost actually refer to their friendship as real, but he saw them more as...followers. Yes, he liked referring them as his followers. He enjoyed the authority he felt.

Tom only had one friend. One companion. One person he wanted to be by his side for the rest of eternity, and if two mudbloods thought they were capable of taking her away from him, then they were foolishly mistaken.

In fact, he was about to pay them a visit. He preoccupied his Lilah in the library by convincing her to do her homework. He on the other hand, was on his way to the courtyard. He spotted the dark haired mudbloods from last night and walked towards them.

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