First Day Back

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A/n: As much as I love Tom and Aurelia. I'm not writing their Birthday, it's far too predicable. Some hugs here and presents there. That's literally their entire Birthday.

Edith and Edmund were starting to question why Riddle was the top student in their batch. Did he forget the main Hufflepuff trait? They had a really good laugh about that. Anyway, it was now a few days since Christmas. The twins were sneaking late at night to the Slytherin common room. Aurelia told them the password since they showed her how to get into their common room.

They did not like how the Slytherins designed the common room. It was so dark and morbid. Far from what they're used to in their cozy common room. They found their friend sleeping with Tom on the couch. Had they always slept like this? They were disgusted that Tom had the audacity to erase her memory and act as if nothing happened.

Edmund grabbed a piece of parchment and began writing and passed the note to his sister.

"How are we supposed to talk to her if the bloody demon's guarding her?" his handwriting was precise and clear.

Edith took the quill from his hand and wrote down:

"Do you know any sleeping spells? The hat did almost sort you in Ravenclaw" her letters were slightly messy but readable nonetheless.

"I suppose I could try, let's hope Riddle didn't cast a protective spell on them" he wrote back and pulled out his wand from his pajama pocket. He accidentally forgot to wear something else to their little mission.

Edmund gently placed his wand to Tom's forehead and whispered a sleeping enchantment. Then they tried to gently nudge their friend awake.

"Aurelia, Aurelia!" Edith whispered shouted.

"Let me try, Aurelia, Irene wants to talk about her latest fictional crush" Edmund whispered in Aurelia's ear.

The sleeping girl awoke with a jolt. "Quick hide me! She went on for a full two hours last time! Oh, what are you two doing here?"

The twins quickly grabbed one of her hands and ran outside the common room. They sighed a breath of relief and sat down beside the painting (if looks could kill, the painting would've killed the twins). "Quick, how did we meet?" Edmund asked.

"Uhm, we met in the corridors remember? Edmund t-tripped and he was upset so I went over to ask how he was doing" Aurelia answered but stuttered on the parts that were wrong. She began massaging her head since she suddenly had a massive headache.

"I knew it! He replaced your memories, that's impressive considering that he's a first year, I wonder if he can tutor me some things.." Edmund mindlessly mumbled the last part.

"As much I love your Ravenclaw brain, you need of turn it off. We have to find a way to bring back her memories" Edith frantically whispered. She did not like the idea of Tom infecting Aurelia's mind with lies. What if Tom became a powerful politic figure? The boy could practically achieve anything with brains and charisma. That would be horrible for muggles and muggleborns. He would infect the whole wizarding world's minds, but from what she knew, Tom had a weakness, Aurelia. Edith didn't just see her as that though, she saw Aurelia as a friend. But she needed her to wake up.

"Listen Edith, Tom is an incredibly bright and advanced witch for his age. If we want to find an antidote for Aurelia, it'll take us at least until second year" Edmund sadly said. He did have a point. If they were going to find a reverse charm, who know how long it would take to find it? Not to mention the fact that one of them had to master the spell, they couldn't afford messing up a memory charm on their friend. If a spell messed up someone's brain, it could be a serious injury.

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