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It had been a few months since they first arrived at Hogwarts and their final exams were just around the corner. So far, all the professors adored Tom and Aurelia. They were perfect students in their eyes. Although they were on top of their classes, they had different opinions about it.

Tom loved the idea of being seen as a rolemodel. He loved the feeling of having each and every professor wrapped around his finger. Aurelia on the other hand didn't really care that she was one of the top students, she simply was glad that she wasn't failing. Studying came really easy to Tom, he just had to read a term once and it would be permenantly locked in his brain. Aurelia had to read a term at least thrice to get in her head. She was grateful that Tom tutored her in some subjects.

It a few days, there would be the Halloween feast. The students were extremely excited, especially the older ones. Apparently, the 5th-7th years got the opportunity to set up traps all over a section of the school. The event was called "Haunted Hallways" The 1st - 4th years would attempt to make it to the end of the section without getting scared or running off. They were allowed at least 1 friend to go with them, but if even one of them left, they would both be disqualified.

Now of course there's a prize. The first 5 students to get past the "haunted" hallways won 50 galleons each. Flyers were posted all over the school and common room notice boards.

Tom and Aurelia were walking to Charms when Aurelia brought up the event. "Do you think we should participate Tom? It sounds fun" she suggested.

"You would willingly walk into a hallway filled with pranks?" Tom shuddered at the thought. It would be no doubt messy but he knew he would win if he wanted to.

"Ok then, I'm still participating though"

"Aurelia! Wanna be my partner for the Haunted Hallways? Emmet cancelled last minute since he was too scared" Adam said as he began walking beside her.

"Sur-" she began until she was interrupted by Tom.

"Actually, she asked me to be her partner and I've already agreed. Goodbye" Tom said as he quickly grabbed Aurelia's hand and sped walk towards the Charms classroom. He didn't like the idea of Aurelia relying on someone else for protection. *As if anyone could protect her better than me, I've been doing that since we were practically newborns!" he mentally scoffed.

Aurelia decided not to question Tom, perhaps he just changed his mind. The two of them took their seats beside each other and began getting their materials ready. As she was arranging her notes, a girl discreetly passed a note to her.

'Let's meet up at the library after Charms, I want to ask you something' the note said. Aurelia was curious so of course she planned to go to the library after Charms. But as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.

*time skip to library*

Charms was fortunately the last class of the day and Aurelia was packing her things ready to meet the girl in the library. Tom noticed that she wasn't walking with him to the Slytherin common room. "Where are you going? The common room's this way"

"I know, but I just need to check something out in the library. I'll meet up with you there thought" she quickly said as the sped walk to the library.

When she got there, she spotted the girl from earlier sitting near a desk with two other girls. "Hello! You asked to meet up?" Aurelia greeted as she sat down.

"Yes, I'm Layla Raywood and these are my friends" a girl with dark brown hair and green eyes greeted as she gestured to the girls beside her. She was also wearing a green tie. Aurelia assumed that she must have wanted to make friends with her fellow Slytherin first years. If only she knew how wrong she was.

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