031 | with the boyfriends

Start from the beginning

"I swear every time I'm over, Daniel's there as well," Stephanie added. "Or you're at his, you're always together."

"oh so you do fuck him?" Adalyn raised a brow.

"I never said I didn't," she softly laughed. "It just hasn't been from the start cause I'm not you. Also it was more like a year for you and Jack to date, not two months."

"We don't talk about the start," she bluntly replied, taking a sip of her drink. "Also Jack took like two weeks to fuck me, it wasn't right away."

"You know what we should talk about though.." Brooklyn mentioned, making direct eye contact with the girl, "Who's house you stayed at last night, Adalyn?"

".. Jack's," Adalyn furrowed.

"Why'd you hesitated then?" Valentina let out a small slightly awkward chuckle.

"His house is awfully close to Harvey's.."

"Doesn't Daniel live like two streets away from him as well?" she switched the conversation back over to her friend. "I was at Jack.. I'm confused on why you care so much."

"I mean you have gone back to Harvey many times before when you've been bored.." Naomi added.

"Okay well I'm not cheating on Jack," she shrugged. "I stayed at his house cause he was stressed about me missing my flight and me being there meant his Mom could have woken me up.."

"Did you actually sleep there?" Valentina asked. "Cause you slept basically all day on the flight here.."

"I did, for once," she nodded. "His room smelt like him so it was kinda comforting.. and I had raid his alcohol and got drunk so that also helped. Also I like sleeping on planes cause there's nothing else to do.. anyway is weed legal here?"

"You're not smoking," all besides Stephanie quickly shut her down.

"What's wrong with her smoking?" Stephanie furrowed before moving her attention to her girlfriend, "You don't seem to mind when I smoke.. you've even smoked with me before?"

"They think it's bad for me," Adalyn rolled her eyes.

"Last time you smoked, Adalyn, you ended up in hospital for week cause you couldn't breath cause you smoked every day for like four years and fucked your lungs," Valentina reminded her. "Do you not remember that?"

"Yeah but I haven't since then so I'll be fine now."

"How did you give up so easy?" Stephanie asked. "I've tried before but every time caved in on like the fourth day."

"I don't get addicted, I just fixate on shit when I'm bored," Adalyn explained.

"And that's how she had meaning less sex all the time and always forgot the guys name two seconds afterwards," Brooklyn chimed in. "I could never."

"It's easy," she shrugged, turning her attention to her phone as she searched what substances were legal in the state of New York. "Alright, it's legal, I'm getting weed."

"It's midnight, I don't think you can legally buy it anywhere at this time," Valentina shook her head at the younger.

"So you don't care if I do now?"

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