"Well, I suppose the other side of your mouth is not injured," she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the half of his lips that weren't split.

"Nope, it's not," he smirked. "My cheek isn't either."

"Oh, I see that." She leaned in, placing light kisses along the side of his face. "What about your jaw? Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I think that's okay..." he mumbled, feeling her lips lightly tracing his jawline. "My neck feels pretty good too." Her lips slid down the side of his throat, across the front, and up the either side. She gently took his earlobe in between her teeth and he rumbled with pleasure.

"That sounds like someone's feeling better," she murmured against his ear.

"Much," he agreed, pulling her onto his lap, his fingers digging into her hips. She groaned, rocking her hips against him. He gasped as her lips found his again and he didn't even care that it hurt.

"Guys!" Robin yelled, throwing open the door.

Elizabeth leapt off of him as if his lap were on fire and Eddie groaned because it kind of was. He quickly grabbed a throw pillow and tossed it over his lap to conceal the massive boner he was currently sporting from her wiggling on top of him. Elizabeth looked over at him, then at Robin, and the two of them burst into laughter.

"Thanks," he grumbled through gritted teeth, both hands clutching the pillow. "Glad my discomfort is bringing you such joy."

"You deserve it after acting like a big old neanderthal," Elizabeth teased.

"Well, I was coming to see if Eddie was okay, but clearly he must have been feeling pretty good," Robin joked, nodding toward his crotch. "I mean, if the lap pillow is any indication."

"Eddie is fine," Elizabeth stated. "Black eye and a split lip, but he's okay."

"Jesus, that was crazy," Robin stated, shaking her head. "I've never seen Brian be so mean. He was awful. And the way you just punched him right in the face...I'm not even into dudes, but that was pretty hot."

"Jesus, please don't encourage him," snorted Elizabeth, rolling her eyes.

"Please do. Thank you Robin," Eddie said, tilting his head toward her. "I am glad someone appreciates my chivalry."

"I appreciate your chivalry," Elizabeth groaned, "but you didn't have to turn what was a drunken argument into an all out brawl. You could have gotten much more hurt."

"Nah," Eddie said, shaking his head. "That dude was tanked. He wasn't going to cause me any serious harm."

"He was definitely tanked," Robin agreed. "His basketball buddies had to carry him out of there. He looked worse off than you. Some of the guys started getting all riled up about you, but Steve told them to let it go because their friend was out of line and it wasn't worth making it bigger than it was. They all just kind of shrugged. I think they knew he was being a jerk and since he was half-passed out anyway, they didn't feel that they had to save face for their friend."

"Well, damn it," Eddie muttered.

"What?" asked Elizabeth.

"I guess I have to actually admit that Steve is a good dude now," he said, laughing to let her know he was joking. "I really didn't want to have to do that. Jesus, just saying it leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

"I told you that he was a good guy already," Elizabeth smiled. "Besides, if it weren't for him, we may not have gotten back together. The only reason I showed up on your doorstep was because he decided to tell me what was actually going on."

"True. I should buy him a boat or something," Eddie said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her temple.

Robin snorted. "God, you guys are so cute. I can't decide if it makes me want to swoon or vomit."

"Go with the first one please," Elizabeth snickered. "I already had to clean up wounds. I do not feel like cleaning up vomit. So, speaking of our friend Steve, where is he? Did he decide to stay at the party?"

"No. Him and Nancy left too, but they were going back to his dorm to hang out," Robin answered, placing air quotes around hang out.

"Good for Steve!" Eddie called out and Elizabeth elbowed him. "Ow! I'm rooting for your friend here. I thought you wanted me to like him."

"I do but you don't have to be gross. You don't know what they're doing," she said.

"Oh, I have a pretty good guess," Eddie chuckled.

"Yeah, probably what you were hoping to be doing before you required a lap pillow," Robin joked, laughing, and Eddie threw the pillow at her face.

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