"Mnh. Why did you leave me? It was so warm with you here." Ochako whines, pouting after. Izuku chuckles. She was so adorable. "It's almost 10 am." He says, crossing his arms. His morning voice was still present and it made Ochakos stomach do flips, and her cheeks turn red.

Ochako rubs her eyes and lays back down. "But I'm still so tired." She groans. Izuku smiles. "You can go back to sleep. It's not like you have anything to do." Izuku says. Ochako looks up at him through her hooded eyes and blushes.

"Can you at least just sit next to me while I sleep?" She whispers. It was an embarrassing request, but just as much as Izukus scent helped her relax. This was the first morning she's ever had where she woke up without instantly grieving at the fact she wasn't dead yet. Izuku nods and innerly squeals at her cuteness.

"Of course." Izuku says. He doesn't hesitate to take his spot on the bed next to Ochako. Ochako scoots closer to him, laying on her stomach, an arm around Izuku's waist. "Is your mom home yet?" Ochako asks, closing her eyes. "Yeah. She went to sleep a few minutes ago." Izuku says quietly. Ochako hums. She assumed Izuku had told her she was there.

The room falls into a comfortable silence and Ochako drifts back to sleep at the sound of whatever video Izuku is watching on his phone.


When Ochako wakes up again, Izuku is still next to her and hasn't moved at all. He looks down at her and gives her that soft smile that never failed to make her blush. "Good afternoon. It's 12 pm now. Feeling better?" Ochako sits up and nods.

Izuku ruffles her hair gently. "That's good. Are you hungry? My mom said I had to make something for you when you woke up." He asks. Ochako shakes her head. "I'm... not hungry." She mumbles. That was a lie, she was starving, but she knew she would eat too much food and then want to throw it all up. And she didn't want to risk doing that at Izuku's house.

Izuku frowns, knowing she's lying. "But you need to eat. You've lost a lot of weight." He says. Ochako looks down to hide the small smile on her face. That's what she wanted. For Izuku to notice she had gotten smaller.

It doesn't go unnoticed by Izuku and he only huffs and gets up. Ochako watches as he digs around in his closet and comes back with a clean black hoodie and a pair of his smallest sweatpants. "Go take a shower while I make you food." Izuku says. Ochako pouts and takes the clothes out of his hands.

"Do I get to choose what I eat?" Ochako asks, standing up. Izuku shakes his head. "It'll be a surprise." He says, giving her a smile. Ochako nods and makes her way to the bathroom.

She shuts the door behind her–not locking it as she knew Izuku had a habit of checking on her to see if she's hurt herself or not. She pulls out her phone and wallet that had still been in her pockets and rests them on the sink counter. Her phone was dead and she was sure her parents were trying to call her. She would have to ask Izuku if he had a phone charger.


"I made you eggs and miso soup. Your favorite." Izuku says, placing the food in front of her. Ochakos stomach growls and she ignores the voice in her head telling her not to eat. She was starving and Izuku's cooking was her favorite. Especially since she had no idea how to cook.

"Is it good?" He asks, sitting down across from her. He can tell from the way she practically eats each egg in almost one bite. Ochako nods frantically. "Its delicious." She says before lifting the small bowl and taking a sip of her soup. Izuku chuckles at her softy and gets up to clean up the kitchen.


"Do you have a phone charger? My phone is dead." Ochako asks Izuku as he walks into the living room where she was sitting on the sofa. Izuku nods. "Yeah. It's right there." He says, pointing to a small charger on the floor. Ochako quickly plugs her phone in and powers it on.

Did It Feel Good When You Broke My Heart?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें