"Oh, yeah. There you go!" Hiccup laughs, looking at the trappers now scorched from the explosion. They cough from the smoke, Toothless rumbles happily as he plays with an ember floating in the air. "Once they see you as one of their own and not wanting to harm them, even the testiest of dragons can be trained." (Y/N) says as she sits on top the cage and Twilight nudges her gently and (Y/N) strokes her head. Hiccup smiles at her and Toothless stands next to him and he coos wanting attention which Hiccup gladly gives.

Eret shakes his head as he grabs (Y/N)'s sword and places it on a nearby table then grab Hiccup's sword, "Give me that!" He growls and hurls it out to sea as Stormfly chases after it. "What game are you two playing at?" He demands. "No game." (Y/N) shrugs, she grins as Stormfly returns and drops Hiccup's sword at Eret's feet. "We just wanna meet Drago." Hiccup states. Eret looks down at the sword with a raised brow then grabs it and throws it out to see again as Stormfly chases it once more. "Why?" He questions the riders. "Because we're going to change his mind about dragons." Hiccup replies. The men all laugh and Stormfly returns and drops the sword at Eret's feet again. He looks down at it in disbelief as Stormfly wags her tail eagerly. "They can be really persuasive." Astrid warns in a light tone as she peeks out from the cage.

"The bond with a dragon is unbreakable once formed." (Y/N) says as Twilight rumbles in approval and nuzzles her. "Once you earn their loyalty there is nothing a dragon won't do for you." Hiccup nods, looking up at Eret. Said man blows a raspberry and shakes his head, "You won't be changing any minds around here." Stormfly lightly pushes some men to try and get them to play fetch with her. "We can change yours." Hiccup replies, grabbing the mechanism attached to Toothless' fake tail-fin, "Right here, right now." He opens it. Eret watches with narrow eyes as Hiccup steps out of the cage.

"So, may I?" Hiccup asks, but was then snatched away yelling. The masts were torn causing the ship to sway side-to-side. "Dragon Riders!" Eret shouts. (Y/N) and Astrid hop out of the cage and watch in concern. Toothless snarls in anger and climbs up the mast and onto the high beam. His anger quickly vanishes and rumbles as he tilts his head at the familiar dragons.

Snotlout! What are you doing?" Hiccup demands, looking up at said Viking from Hookfang's claws. "See how well I protect and provide?" Snotlout smirks at Ruffnut, who groans and shakes her head in irritation.

A net was launched at the twins and they barely dodged it in time. "Hey, watch it! That was," Ruffnut halts scolding her brother as she sees Eret and her eyes widen. "Close." Time seems to slow down as Ruffnut stares at him. Eret watches their movement as he takes aim. "Oh..... My..." Eret switches the lever, causing his muscles to show as he does this. "Me likey..." Eret fires the net at them. Ruffnut holds her arms out in surrender. "Take me." The net wraps around her and Barf.

Hiccup grunts as gets himself out of Hookfang's claws and opens his flight suit. "Watch your fire!" (Y/N) shouts, as she and Astrid shove Eret who was aiming for Hiccup. Hiccup moves to avoid it and grabs the torn sail, sailing down gracefully and landing on the deck. Twilight grabs (Y/N)'s sword in her teeth and hurries to give it back to her. (Y/N) thanks her and wraps the belt around her waist securely and moves to stand next to Hiccup as he puts his flight suit away.

"What are you guys doing here?" Hiccup sighs in annoyance. Toothless joins him and Twilight joins after. "We're here to rescue you!" Gobber replies, as Grump lands heavily on the ship resulting in some men yelping and moving away. "We don't need to be rescued!" Hiccup informs them. "ENOUGH!" Stoick bellows as Skullcrusher, his Rumblehorn, a dragon that looks to wear armor, lands roaring and silences everyone. Stoick jumps onto t o the deck with a scowl on his face as he walks forward. "Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh?" Eret talks as Stoick continues towards Hiccup. "I am Eret, son of-" Stoick rolls his eyes and grabs Eret's face and shoves him aside.

He staggers back and lands on his butt before rising, "I'm-" Gobber lightly taps his head with his mace, causing him to collapse and Grump lays on him to make sure he doesn't get up. Eret grunts as he struggles to move, "Get.... This thing.... Off me!" He wheezes out. "Anyone else?" Gobber asks rhetorically, the crew say nothing as the riders intimidate them. "That's what I thought."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Stoick walks to me and Hiccup with a furious expression. "You two," He grunts, pointing at us, "Saddle up. We're going home." I shook my head 'no.' "No." Hiccup disagrees. "Of all the irresponsible-" "I am trying to protect our dragons and stop a war! How is that irresponsible?!" Hiccup snaps back. "Because war is what HE wants, son!" I snap. "How is war going to solve anything?! IT ONLY LEADS TO LOSS!" I shout at Stoick. It was quiet as I pant and stare him down, fed up with war. I feel someone take my hand and squeeze it. I look to find Hiccup giving me a sympathetic look. I calm down and take a deep breathe and look back at Stoick. "Please, Stoick. What is it about Drago Bludvist that is so dangerous?" I ask.

Stoick sighs heavily and I see his anger fade away, "It was twenty years ago, there was a great gathering of Chieftains to discuss the great dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon.... And he spoke softly. Saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people. Devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons, and that he alone could keep us safe. If... We choose to bow down and follow him."

Snotlout, Fishlegs and the Twins all laugh at the last sentence. I mean, did that guy really believed that a bunch of Vikings would blindly follow him? "Stupid." Ruff snickers. "Good one." I see Tuff wipe a tear. "Aye.." I turn my attention back to Stoick, "We laughed too. Until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out, 'Then see how well you do without me!' The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended. Burning the hall to the ground." Stoick looks up to the sky, "I.." He looks down shutting his eyes In sadness, "... Was the only one to escape."

Everyone was quiet and I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Being the only one to survive while everyone else perished. I squeeze Hiccup's hand to ground myself. I hear him sigh softly and squeeze my hand back. "Men that kill without reason, cannot be reasoned with." Stoick tells us. "Maybe." Hiccup lets go of my hand. "Hiccup!" Stoick warns but I move to get on Twilight. "I'm still going to try." I look at Hiccup as he gets on Toothless, "This is what I'm good at. And if I can change your mind, I can change his too."

I look to find Astrid smiling and nods at us, but Stoick scowls and shakes his head. "I want to protect those I love. I'm not letting anything or anyone take away my family." I state. I look to Hiccup as he smiles at me. "Come on." He says softly as Toothless flies off and Twilight follows after them. I look back at the ship as I remember what Stoick had said about Drago. I couldn't help but feel a little worried and scared.

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