Dragon Racing

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(Note: if you haven't read the first book, go and read that first. Okay, enjoy.)

Third Person P.O.V.

Waves crash onto the island of Berk as the sun shines down. "This... Is Berk." Hiccup's voice speaks as birds fly high in the sky. "The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere." A platform built for dragons shines a vibrant green as seagulls rest on it. "Granted, it may not look like much. But this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises." The village is empty and a shadow swoops by as sheep shiver and bleat in fear as they look up to the skies anxiously. Another shadow passes by and they move together to another hiding spot.

"Life here is amazing. Just... Not for the faint of heart. You see... Where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needlepoint, we Berkians prefer a little something we like to call-" One sheep is revealed to have painted targets on either side and is pushed out into the open, leading it to get snatched up.

"Dragon racing!" It's revealed that it is the Dragon Riders flying around Berk and swoop pass a crowd of people, cheering in stands to watch them race. The sheep is in Meatlug's claws who pants happily and Fishlegs looks around with a grin and face paint decorates his face, he lets out a rattling cheer. He cries out as he is slammed by a Hookfang as Snotoult snatches the sheep.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fishlegs. Did you want that?" Snotlout laughs as he mockingly points to the ship. Fishlegs grunts in irritation and moves out of the way as Snotlout suddenly flies back. "Augh! Snotlout! That was mine!" Snotlout flies next to Barf and Belch. "Here you go, babe." Snotlout tosses the sheep to Ruffnut as he winks at her. "Did I tell you that you look amazing today? 'Cause you do." He flirts with her.

Ruffnut groans in disgust and Bark glares at him. "Come on, Barf. It's starting to stink around here." She urges and Barf releases gas as Snotlout looks at her with dreamy look. "Nope, still hates you." Tuffnut tells Snotlout with a grin. It turns sinister as he faces forward, "Let's blow this place, Belch!" Snotlout's cries out as Belch sparks the gas causing a small explosion stunning Hookfang.
Ruffnut tosses the sheep in a net with many other sheep, earning her and Tuffnut a point.

Stoick watches and lets out a hearty laugh as he watches from his own platform and sits in a chair. "That's nine for the twins! Astrid lags with three, Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with none, and Hiccup is..." he pauses as he looks at both Hiccup and (Y/N)'s nets, with their dragons painted on the signs. "No where to be found." He finish as he sits back down with a heavy sigh. "Scared him off with the big talk, didn't you?" Gobber snickers. "And I bet he dragged (Y/N) with him. But then again she would go willingly." He laughs. Stoick sighs again and nods.

Snotlout continues to fly on Hookfang until he gets hit on the head by Astrid. "What are you doing?" She demands as she glares at him. She rights herself on Stormfly as she continues to berate him. "They're gonna win now!" "She's my princess! Whatever she wants, she gets!" Snotlout defends nonchalantly. "Ruffnut? Didn't she try to bury you alive?" Astrid says, raising her brows. "Only for a few hours!" Snotlout laughs, as Hookfang spins the checkpoint.

"Now, dragons use to be a bit of a problem here. But that was five years ago." Stormfly flies ahead of the others whilst dodging Fishlegs and Snotlout. "Now they've all moved in. And really, why wouldn't they?" The Riders fly through the stables with the dragons in it bustling below them, "We have custom stables," A Nadder chirps happily as they consume fish, "all-you-can-eat feeding stations," A Gronckle is taking a bath, "A full service Dragon wash!" A baby Gronckle flies past then inhales deeply and sneezes but accidentally fired a fireball, blasting a wooden house, "Even top-of-the-line fire prevention, if I do say so myself." Astrid gasps but then narrows her eyes, she smirks as Stormfly dives down to allow Astrid to pull a rope that pours water onto the fire to extinguish it.

Stoick chuckles softly and Gobber claps. Stoick clears his throat. "It's time, Gobber." "Righty-ho! Last lap!" Gobber waves to a waiting man, who blows into a large horn that releases a low bellowing note.

"The black sheep!" Astrid grins widely, "Come on, Stormfly! We can still win this!" She pats her Nadder companion. Gobber makes his way out of a building, pulling a large slingshot behind him. "Come on, Barf!" "Let's go!" The Twins yell, urging their dragon faster. Gobber winds up the slingshot. "Go, Meatlug!" Fishlegs leans forward to increase his dragon's speed. Gobber nods as everything is in place. "Woo-hoo!" Astrid laughs as she flies ahead of the other riders as they all race to get the black sheep.

"This is your big moment." Gobber tells the black sheep which looks at him unimpressed. "Have a nice flight!" He pulls the trigger and the sheep lets out a startled bleat as it's launched into the air. "Up, up, up!" Astrid commands and Stormfly prepares to grab it. But right as she was about to grab it, Fishlegs intervenes and snatches it. "No!" "Yes! Good job, Meatlug!" Meatlug rumbles happily. Then turns and spins, releasing it. "Here you go, darling. Mine's worth ten!" Ruffnut catches it while Tuffnut glares at her. "Yeah! The black sheep!" Ruffnut cheers.

"You guys are fighting for Ruffnut?" Astrid incredulously questions Snotlout, watching the the twin. "I'm totally winning!" Ruffnut cackles. "We're winning together." Fishlegs grins as he flies next to her. Ruffnut rams into him and he screams, flying back and crashing into Snotlout while the crowd laughs and cheers. "Whoo! No one can stop me now!" Ruffnut cheers. "Except for me," Tuffnut snaps and grabs the sheep, "We're attached, genius!" The two fight but are unaware of the approaching figure behind them.

"Get them, Astrid!" Stoick yells, rising from his chair. "It's my glory!" "You always ruin everything!" The twins continue to fight as Astrid leaps onto Barf and Belch and carefully runs along the back. "No sheep, no glory!" "Gotcha!" Astrid laughs as she jumps and grabs the black sheep landing on Stormfly. "Whoa!" "Astrid!" The twins growl in annoyance and anger.

"Well played! That's my future daughter-in-law's sister!" Stoick laughs. Astrid looks on ahead but Fishlegs rams into her throwing her off course. "Excuse me." Snotout laughs bitterly and readies his hammer to swing. "Stormfly!" Astrid gasps and Stormfly dives down, leading Fishlegs to take the hit as the crowd winces.

Astrid cries out as Stormfly struggles to regain control but stabilizes herself quickly and flies upwards, spinning as Astrid dunks the black sheep into her net. "That's thirteen! Ha Ha! Astrid takes the game!" Stoick shouts over to the crowd as they cheer for Astrid, and Gothi jolts awake and claps in a daze.

Astrid cheers at her victory, pumping her fist in the air. "Yep. Berk is pretty much perfect now." The twins glare at one another and start fighting as Astrid swoops by them. "All my hard work has paid off. Alongside (Y/N), who has helped in more ways than one. And it's a good thing too!" Stormfly flies above the crowd as Astrid high fives the crowd. "Because with Vikings on the backs of dragons..." Snotlout and Fishlegs gasp as Astrid flies pat them and soars into the open sky with another cheer.

"The world just got a whole lot bigger."

HTTYD 2: Hiccup x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now