One Bumpy Ride

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A/N: Sorry it took so long, college be busy, but here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

"Y'know, when Perceptor told us about the satellite cannons, I thought he meant they'd be active." Silverbolt commented as he adjusted a few instruments. Springer and his team had just reached satellite orbit around Cybertron and were prepping the Hammerhead for deep space velocity.

"The war's taken a toll on everyone, not just the Autobots. Energon's becoming extremely scarce, especially now that the core isn't pumping anything new out," Springer replied as he adjusted the ship's engines to last them the deep space travel. "It makes sense that at least a few satellite cannons would be out of commission, especially considering how much energon is used just for one shot."

Silverbolt was about to say something, but was interrupted. "But what about the dark energon that Megatron retrieved from Starscream's space station?" Minerva questioned, "I've seen what dark energon weaponry can do to a 'bot, and it isn't pretty, so wouldn't it make sense for Megatron to use it in his most powerful weapons?"

Bluestreak then turned away from securing the armory and looked at Minerva, "Unlike regular energon, dark energon was always a finite energy source on Cybertron, it's why we were able to secure all of it safely on Starscream's space station during the Golden Age. The fact that we aren't seeing it as much anymore could mean one of two things. Either A: Ol' Buckethead's finally run out of the stuff, or B: He's saving whatever he's got left for something big. Either way, it means we won't have to worry about that stuff for a good while, if at all."

"Bluestreak's got a point, Minerva," Springer interjected, "We're leaving Cybertron in what Optimus and I learned to be a dead zone for the satellite cannons from one of our spies. And even if one of these cannons were active, we shouldn't have to worry about its shots to be dark energon."

"Uh, guys? I think we've got a problem here." Silverbolt said, somewhat nervously.

Springer walked into the cockpit, "What seems to be the issue, Silverbolt?"

Silverbolt then pointed out a patrol of seekers headed straight for the Hammerhead.

"Scrap. Everyone, battle stations! We've got 'cons, dead ahead!" Springer commanded. Everyone began quickly preparing for combat. Silverbolt switched the ship to combat mode, Minerva quickly ran to the radar next to the patient's stasis pod, and Bluestreak climbed into the gunner seat and began to prep both the top and bottom guns. Springer then got out of the copilot seat and walked towards the entrance of the ship.

"Yo big bot, where are you going?" Silverbolt turned around and looked at Springer.

"Open the hatch kid, I'm going to greet our guests nicely." Springer replied looking back at Silverbolt, who smirked, then flicked the hatch release. Springer then flipped out of the ship as he transformed into his helicopter mode. After he folded his propeller and fired up his thrusters, he quickly armed his missiles and gatling guns and flew towards the seekers.

"Hey 'cons! Eat this!" Springer yelled as he fired off two missiles and increased speed. By the time the seekers had noticed him, it was too late. Both missiles were direct hits on the seekers, and their parts could be seen flying out of the explosions. However, 3 still remained, and all of them were headed for the Hammerhead. Springer then turned around and began to pursue them, firing off his gatling guns as he chased. The three seekers lined up next to each other, then the one in the middle spoke.

"Keep after that Autobot ship, we cannot allow it to leave orbit. I'll take care of that green pest." He said, his color scheme was black, purple, and silver. He flipped around and headed straight for Springer, moving as fast as he could. The two were headed straight for each other, but just as they looked like they were about to crash, Springer transformed, grabbed the seeker's nose end and threw him right back towards the direction he came. The seeker, in reaction to this, transformed and stopped himself from tumbling through space.

"Foolish Autobot, no one leaves this planet without Lord Megatron's approval, and you most certainly are not approved to leave."

Springer chuckled, grinning, "Yea I'm not a big fan of his...regulations. I'll just stick to blowing stuff to the pit."

A beeping sound began to ring out from the seeker's chest. He then looked down to see a grenade embedded right in the middle of his chest. The Seeker's eyes widened as he thought back to when Springer had grabbed him while in vehicle mode, realizing Springer had managed to stick it to him before throwing the Seeker away. No matter how hard he struggled to remove the grenade, it was no use as it was partially embedded into his chest due to the transformation. Springer then raised his arm as his hand transformed into a heavy spreadshot cannon.

"See ya in the Pit you fragging 'Con." Springer said, then fired.

The shot hit its mark, causing the grenade to explode, and the Seeker with it. Springer then swapped his cannon back to his hand before looking at the ship and realizing that the other Decepticons had been taken out by his team. He smiled before transforming to catch up with the ship again.

"Bluestreak, open the rear hatch will ya?" Springer called over his comms.

"It took you that long to take out that Seeker? Man you're really off your game Springer." Bluestreak joked back as a response before opening the hatch. Springer detransformed and landed back on the ship. He elbowed Bluestreak, "Not my fault the dude wanted to chat."

The two fake-glared at each other for a second before laughing. Springer then walked back to the front of the ship to talk to the others.

"We should be clear of any threats." Springer announced to the crew, "The 'Cons have been sending fewer and fewer patrols out due to the energon shortage, and given how close we are to leaving Cybertron's airspace, I'd say that we won't be seeing any more of 'em after that."

"Good, I'm not sure we have enough energon to get into a dogfight while keeping the patient in stasis," Minerva replied, "I don't think a premature awakening would end well."

"Speaking of which," Springer interjects, "How much do we know about the patient? Name? Squadron? What happened to him?"

"I'm afraid Ratchet and Perceptor told me very little about the patient, and told me to keep the information I did know confidential." Minerva replied bluntly. "The only thing I can tell you is that the soldier was put in stasis after suffering a severe injury that was caused from being tortured by the Decepticon Justice Division."

Silverbolt looked back at Springer and Minerva, shocked, "The D-J-D? Scrap, this 'bot must've been pretty darn important if Buckethead sicked those monsters on him."

"Even more so than you think, Silverbolt," Bluestreak jumped in, "The D-J-D may have been there interrogating him, but I heard that Megatron himself was the one to inflict the wound."

"Primus, what did this guy do?" Silverbolt questioned.

"Who knows," Springer interjected, "All that matters is that we do our job and keep him safe. If all goes to plan, when he wakes up we'll have another ally on our team. Hopefully a powerhouse."

The bots all looked at the stasis pod one last time, even more curious as to who was inside. Eventually, Springer began to give out instructions:

"Well, enough of this, we gotta get going. Silverbolt, fire up the dark matter drives. I want to get as far away as I can before Screamy realizes one of his patrols didn't report in. Minerva, make sure the stasis pod is 100% ready for deep space travel. Bluestreak, assist her."


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