Farewell, Cybertron

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As soon as Springer walked into hangar sigma, he could easily find the ship where Perceptor and the rest of his crew were preparing for departure. It helped that it was one of the few ships remaining in the hangar that appeared to be operational. Just another issue caused by this Primus-forsaken war, Springer thought. As he walked towards the ship, he began hearing some of the conversations of his crewmates.

"I'm tellin' you, if anyone can fly us out of Cybertron's atmosphere with the ship 100% still intact, it's me. There's no need to worry Red, I'll make sure the ship gets us to where we need to safely, I guarantee it." A cocky-looking silver, red, and yellow flyer boasted.

"And I'm telling you that I need more than just a guarantee to keep the ship structurally sound, Silverbolt. The patient underwent a serious procedure using a very volatile form of energon, if he gets jostled around in any way, it could result in the entire ship going boom. Also I told you to stop calling me that!" A red and white femme snapped back at him. The two seemed to have started bickering after that, but were cut off when Springer drew close by.

"...Are you guys done? Our commander just arrived and we need to report in..." The third and final member of the team remarked in a bored, monotonous tone. He was red, black, and silver and was leaning against the wall, no expression visible on his face.

With that statement, the femme and the Aerialbot looked over to see Springer walking towards them with a blank expression on his face. The three bots all then lined up in and stood at parade rest while Perceptor walked out of the ship and saw Springer.

"Ah, glad to see you've finally arrived Springer,"Perceptor stated, "Allow me to introduce you to your team. The Aerialbot is Silverbolt, he will be your pilot and scout for this mission."

Silverbolt then stood at attention and saluted, "Sir! Proud to be a part of this team, sir!"

Springer stood dumbfounded. What happened to his cocky attitude? Springer returned the salute, "I've met a lot of ace pilots during this war. I don't see why you're so special."

"With all due respect sir, I'm going to be the best pilot you'll ever meet."

There it is, Springer thought. Perceptor then interjected, "Next is your medic. This is Minerva, she will be watching over the patient until he awakens and shortly after."

Minerva saluted and said, "Sir! It's an honor to meet you and act as the medic of your team, sir!"

Springer returned the salute, "Thank you, Minerva. I wish you luck with our comatose patient. Also you all can drop the formalities. I'm not too keen on all of this saluting."

Minerva then returned to parade rest as she said, "Understood, sir."

Springer sighed before Perceptor began to introduce the next and final member of the team, "Finally we have-"

"Bluestreak, it's been a while hasn't it?" Springer interrupted, "I haven't seen you since the First Rust Skirmish. Glad to see you're still kicking."

Bluestreak smirked, then replied: "With all due respect, Commander, it'll take a lot more than a few insecticons to extinguish my spark."

"I know, which is why I'm glad to see you on this team."

Perceptor stood silent for a moment then stated, "Well, it seems I don't need to introduce you two. Anyway, the ship is fully fueled and ready for departure. Silverbolt, please be careful when leaving Cybetron's orbit. The Decepticons have several in-orbit satellite cannons that are prepared for anti-spacecraft combat. Even the slightest puncture in the hull could result in catastrophic damage."

Silverbolt nodded, "Understood, sir."

Perceptor then turned to Springer, "Do you wish to make any final remarks before taking off?"

Springer nodded, "Yea, just one thing. It's been a while since I've commanded a team. Just to make things clear, I will not be operating on the standard protocol you three are accustomed to. I am used to working outside the normal chain of command, so that is how I intend to run this team. If anyone has any issues with that, suck it up. Am I clear?"

Silverbolt, Minerva, and Bluestreak hesitated, then came to attention and sounded off, "Yes, Sir!"

Springer looked at all three of them before smirking and saying: "Then let's get this show on the road!"

The three soldiers then responded again, this time a bit more enthusiastically: "YES SIR!"

The team then began to board the ship, which Silverbolt quickly and aptly named The Hammerhead. As Springer began to board, he looked back at Perceptor: "Now you better not die Perceptor. I'd hate to come back and find out my personal medic had been snuffed."

Perceptor snorted, "I don't intend on joining with the Allspark any time soon, Springer. I'll see you when this war finally comes to an end."

"Heh, you better." The two shook hands, which then turned into a hug. When they separated, Springer turned and waved as he walked up the ship's loading ramp. His entire team had already begun preparing for departure. Minerva was observing the patient's stasis pod, taking notes and double-checking that it was secure. Bluestreak was seen cleaning and maintaining the miniature armory on the right side of the ship. Finally, when Springer reached the cockpit, he saw Silverbolt checking all of his instruments and preparing the ship for takeoff. Springer then sat down in the copilot seat and turned the seat so he could face all three of them at once.

"Any of you having second thoughts?" Springer asked.

"No, sir." Minerva replied.

Silverbolt snorted, "Ain't no way I'm backing down now."

Bluestreak then looked to Springer and smirked, "Of course not, I'm with you til' the end of the line."

Springer smiled, "Good, then let's get out of here!"

Silverbolt whooped as the engine roared to life, and soon enough they were out of Iacon's spaceport.

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