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I enter my bedroom and flop back onto my bed with a smile on my face. I can't believe it, not only are mermaids real, but one of them just took a few of my firsts! This is crazy! Or maybe I'm crazy? What if I am actually dead? I frown at the thought, looking down at the seaweed concoction that Fish Sticks made. I pinch myself hard and yelp. Yep, not dead. That means that all of this is real. I should be freaking out right now about mermaids being real, but instead I find myself thinking of him with a smile on my face. I've never felt this way before for an actual living being. My boys from Mystic Falls will always hold my heart ... but maybe Fish Sticks can have a sliver of it too.
Ugh, what am I thinking? He lives in the ocean for Christ's sake. There won't be any romance coming from that. I'm not exactly up to being stranded in the middle of the ocean just for him to not be there. There's just no way for this to go further. And doesn't he have to stay in water? I don't even know his name, now that I think about it. Or if he even has one.
Sighing, I roll off of my bed and make my way to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and let it warm up while I look in the mirror. I can't believe that he made a seaweed bikini with just a wave of his finger! Can all mermaids do this? I shake my head and turn back to the shower, taking off the seaweed and putting it in the trash can. I step into the shower and close my eyes, letting the hot water run over my body.
I take my time washing myself, letting the hot water work wonders on my body. I shut the water off and step out, wrapping a towel around myself. I don't bother drying my hair because what's the point? I walk back into my room and head to my bed, pulling the covers over myself. I don't bother taking the towel off because I'm too tired to care. I snuggle against my boyfriend replacement, aka my body pillow, and close my eyes; willing sleep to take me away. And of course, he was the star of my dreams.
I wake up to the sound of pounding on my front door. Cranky because someone interrupted my sleep, I throw a robe on and storm to the door. I rip it open, ready to lay into whoever it is, but I'm pushed to the side. Even more pissed off, I turn around to see who the fuck it is. Anna and Brooklyn. Great.
"What the fuck is wrong with you," Brooklyn shouts in my face. Fuck that, it's not even nine in the morning yet!
"What the hell is your problem now," I cross my arms over my chest and glare at them.
"Cassie, we haven't been able to get ahold of you all morning! We thought that you drowned!" Anna says with an upset look on her face. Hah, upset my ass.
"Oh, so now you realized that I wasn't with you guys? Now you realized that I might be dead in the ocean? Now you realized that you haven't seen me in hours? Cool." I sarcastically smile at them.
"Cassie we are so sorry, we should have realized that you were gone sooner! But we-"
"Were too worried about getting laid to notice that Diana shoved me off of the boat and was going to let me die?" The room is silent. Brooklyn and Anna look down to the ground in guilt and it makes me laugh.
"You guys know how much I hate Diana and how much she has tormented me over the years, and yet you still insist on hanging out with her. Heck, you guys still want to be friends with her even after she's tried to kill me three times!" I laugh again, "such great friends you are."
I turn around, done with this conversation, but Brooklyn had other ideas. She grabs me roughly by the arm and turns me around.
"That's not fair! Have you ever thought about how we feel? Can you quit being selfish for one minute and actually worry about others for once," Brooklyn yells at me. She can not be serious.
"How the hell am I being selfish? When have I ever put myself before you guys? And honestly, I don't give a shit about how you feel. You are in the wrong, not me." I poke my finger into her chest. "You have no right coming in here and yelling at me when you are the one who has been a shit friend!"
"God I can't fucking stand you! You think that you are so perfect. God forbid you ever not be perfect. Not everyone can be as perfect as you are!"
"When did I ever say I was perfect? Do you realize how immature you are being?"
"Oh perfect Cassie! Cassie is so perfect! Nobody is better than Cassie!" Brooklyn mocks in a sickly sweet voice.
"Would you both knock it off!" Anna suddenly decides to pop in, she turns to Brooklyn, "would you quit adding gas to the fire?" And then she turns to me, "you're right. We have been shit friends. I'm sorry about that. It was never my intention to act like someone I would hate. There's no excuse."
She turns around and starts walking towards the door, "Brooklyn get over here before I drag you by your nipples." Brooklyn glares at me one last time before following after Anna, making sure to slam the door.
I roll my eyes. Dramatic bitch.
With a groan, I stomp to the kitchen and rip open the refrigerator.
"You have got to be kidding me," my mood sours more upon seeing no food in my refrigerator. Sometimes you've just got to eat your feelings, but it's hard to do that with no fucking food.
I sulk back to my room and get dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a white t-shirt crop top. I grab my white sandals and go to the front door that Brooklyn slammed a few minutes ago. I grab my purse and throw my sandals onto the ground, slipping into them and leaving my apartment. I lock my door before making my way towards the elevator. There goes my plans of having a day in with Damon Salvatore.

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