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"Vatas' armies are close to our borders, your highness, we will have to take action soon." Miro, the commander of Belira's army states.
"How long do you think it will take for them to reach us Commander?" My father says at the head of the table, leaning back to stroke his beard.
"I presume that they will reach us after eighty-two tide changes, our troops are already prepared. The chances of us losing are -," blah blah blah. He couldn't have just said forty-one days? I slump back in my chair, resting my elbow on the uncomfortable rock. I lean my head onto my palm and sigh.
These meetings are always dreadful. Why not just say what you have to say and then move on? There's no reason that they should last for hours. And why must we talk in such outdated terms? We have evolved from that a long time ago, courtesy of the humans. Miro needs to catch up.
I look at the barrier in contempt. Every time that a meeting is held, my father casts a barrier around those included so that no outside ears listen in. The barrier does not come down until the meeting is over, which leaves me trapped in here. One thing that I do not look forward to once I become king, are these meetings. Maybe I should pass an order for no procrastinating during meetings? Hmm, I like that idea.
Out of boredom, I start making little tornadoes with my finger. I keep it small so that I don't disturb the meeting and get yelled at by my father ... again. I make quite a few of them before I hear bubbles, I look up and see that the barrier is finally down. I smile and rise from the ancient rock that we call chairs. I stretch my arms over my head and twist my tail from side to side, resulting in a series of cracks. I swim through the passageway quickly in hopes of escaping my father, but have no luck seeing as to how the crafty bastard made a water hand and grabbed me by my tail, pulling me back. I groan in annoyance and give him a "really" look once I reach his side. The bastard just chuckles at me before he moves forward and motions at me to keep up.
"Your mother and I are wondering when you'll finally choose your mate," of course. I should have known that this is what he wanted to talk about. It's been the topic of every conversation since I reached the mating age. All of my peers are already mated and with guppies of their own on the way... but not me.
"Father, you know that I have not found the one yet. I don't know why you and mother keep asking," I say in exasperation. It's not like they wouldn't know when I choose a mate, they would be the first to know. It's how they are for everything in my life. Especially when it comes to my mother, I might have a big soft spot for the mermaid.
"Well son, we will be stepping down soon and you'll be ruling Belira with your mate. Your mother and I planned to spend time with our grandguppies but we have none. It's rather sad, really," he says with a dramatic sigh. I roll my eyes at him and stay quiet.
He's not the only one that wants guppies out of me. I'm first in line on that list. I want to be a father so badly but I haven't found the right one yet. I'm hoping that I'll know when I see her, like what the humans call love at first sight. I have traveled all over the seven seas in hopes of meeting that special someone, but all of the mermaids I came across just didn't feel like the one. And I have told my father this, he suggests that I go on land and continue my search there for a while. I like the fact that Belira doesn't hate humans, seeing as to how four out of seven of the kingdoms despise humans. Which is confusing considering the fact that to have a guppie, we literally have to be on land to have sex and then stay there until the guppie is born. Some merfolk make no sense, but once we win this war then things will definitely be changing.
"Maybe you can go up to the surface and search for a little while? Would you be up for that?" My father asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. "You heard Miro, we've got forty-one days until Vatas' will be here. Why don't you take that time and put it to good use," he pats me on the back.
I don't even have to think about my answer, "yes, that would be great actually," I turn towards him and smile. He smiles back and nods to himself.
"Very well, then you should set off tomorrow. Get a good rest tonight and we'll get things set up for you on land. Goodnight son," he says, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug him back and bid him goodnight before he releases me and swims to his quarters.
Sighing, I start swimming out of the castle. Once I get far enough away to not be bothered, I lay flat in the water with my arms crossed beneath my head. Watching the ripples of the waves has calmed me for as long as I can remember, it's truly serene. I close my eyes in bliss and allow my body to relax, forgetting all about my troubles. I would have liked to stay like this for a while, but off in the distance I heard a commotion. I frown and strain my ears to pick up more, it's silent for a few moments before the sound of a boat is heard, and behind it is what sounds like a scream.
I open my eyes and flip around in confusion. I look up and see that it's starting to get dark, my confusion just increases more. Usually, the humans aren't out in the water this late. I start to swim towards where I heard the scream. Maybe somebody left them behind? I hope that's not the case, because it is dangerous for them to be this far out from land without a way to get back to land.
I reach the area the scream was at quite quickly and start to swim up towards the surface to look around, but I'm stopped when I hear someone calling to me.
"My prince! My prince! Look what I've got!" A fish comes swimming towards me with a ... bikini top? What in the seven seas?
"Hello, may I ask where you got that?" I cock my head to the side. "What's your name?"
"I'm Charles, my prince. And I got this on the surface! I saw a human in the water and saw this strange looking thing, so I went and got it! Look at it, my prince, isn't it magnificent?" The young fish says in excitement. I smile at him and chuckle a little.
"Why yes, it is. You better return to your family now, little one. It was a pleasure to meet you," I bow my head in respect.
"The pleasure was all mine, my prince. This is the coolest day ever!" He exclaims before swimming off in happiness. I smile to myself, happy that the little fish thinks so highly of me.
Once I regain my focus, I listen again to see if I could find the owner of the bikini top. I hear the human swimming and follow after her. I catch up rather quickly thanks to my tail, and look up. My eyes widen in shock before a smirk takes over my face. I have definitely found the human. A very naked human. I swim up slowly to the surface once she stops swimming so that I don't scare her into drowning. I stop once my eyes catch sight of a very juicy ass. I've never seen a humans ass that looked so ... sexy. I can't seem to break my eyes away from it. It reminds me of a big, juicy, peach that the humans grow. I'm pretty sure that I have added more water to the ocean from the amount of drooling that I am doing. I just want to reach out and bite it. With that thought in mind, I start to lean forward, completely hypnotized by this humans ass. At the last moment, I snap out of it and slap my face a little.
No Kaito, no biting the delicious human ... not yet anyway. I give a little swish of my tail and pop through the surface of the water, gently enough that the human doesn't notice. I smile to myself as I hear her grumbling to herself. I stare at her tan back and can't help but notice how lovely it is. I start to follow the freckles with my eyes before something she says catches my attention and immediately puts a snarl on my face.
"At this rate, damn shark is going to come and eat my ass. Great, just great." She crosses her arms over her chest.
"Oh no no no, Peaches. The only one that is going to eat that ass is me," I say with a growl. She whirls around with wide eyes and screams once she sees me.
"What the hell man! What are you doing out here?" She asks with a hand over her heart. She breathes in and out a couple of times before she stills and looks up at me. "Wait, what did you say?"
"What did I say? Oh! That the only one that is going to eat your ass is me," I say with a smile and tilt my head to the side. Hm, nice tits.
"Eyes up here buddy," I sigh and look back up at her face. She blows a loose hair out of her face before she speaks again, "why are you out here?"
"I should be asking you that Peaches," I lift my eyebrow, "I live here."
"Yeah, so do I. That still doesn't answer my question though," she says while crossing her arms over her pretty chest.
"Oh no Peaches, I live here. In the ocean."
She rolls her eyes "ha ha ha, very funny. I guess that makes you a mermaid."
I reach out to her and pull her flush against me, my hands gripping her ass. She puts her little hands on my chest in surprise before looking up at my face. I groan and tilt my head back. Holy fuck, this feels good. I bring my head back upright, peering at her from under my lashes. I lower my head down to her neck and kiss it, before whispering in her ear, "I'm a merman Peaches, not a mermaid." Lifting my head up to see her reaction, I move my hips, brushing my tail against her thighs. Her eyes widen and she looks down into the water, looking at my blue tail.
"Holy fuck, oh fuck, fuck me," she says in shock, gulping.
"Gladly," I take one hand off of her ass cheek and bring it to the back of her head, tilting it back until she meets my eyes. She searches mine for a few minutes, and I do the same to her. Her eyes show no signs of fear, just curiosity ... and lust. I bring my head down to hers and she parts her lips, giving me access for what I'm about to do.
I connect my lips with hers and move them slowly, letting her get used to it. Once her body relaxes, she lets out a little moan and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. Our kiss picks up speed, becoming more heated. I trace her bottom lip with my tongue, asking for permission. She grants it and I immediately stick my tongue in her mouth, tasting every nook and cranny of it. She tastes sweet. I feel her tongue tenderly touch mine and I stop exploring her mouth, waiting to see what she does. Hesitantly, she sticks her tongue in my mouth and gives it a little lick, making the both of us moan. I suck on her tongue as I trail my hand down between our bodies, one destination in mind.
I slide my hand between her thighs, tracing her slit with my fingers. I gently rub her clit and she arches against me, moaning loudly. She tries to pull away from the kiss but I don't let her. I start to rub her faster and her moans get louder and louder. It doesn't take long before her orgasm takes over her. Mid-orgasm, I switch to where my thumb is on her clit and run my fingers through her folds, finding her wet hole. I run my fingers over it, slipping one on slightly and pulling it out, just to repeat it.
She moans and grinds her pussy onto my hand, making me chuckle in our kiss. I give my sweet little peach what she wants and put a finger inside of her, rubbing her clit lightly with my thumb. Gods she's tight.She releases a different moan this time, making me pull my lips away from hers, the both of us panting.
"Have you ever done this before?" I ask her. She nods her head no quickly, making me smirk. "Have you done anything that we just did with somebody else?" She shakes her head no again and tries to catch my lips.
"This is the first time I've done anything, kissing and all," she leans forward again and I decide to meet her halfway this time, pleased with her answer. It turns me on that I'm her first for everything. And I'm going to be the last.
I slip in a second finger and start pumping in and out of her. She moans into my mouth, clenching down on my fingers.
"Holy fuck, I want you to do that on my dick," I growl. She gasps, lips barely away from mine.
"Do you even have one?" She asks, making me freeze.
"You bet I fucking do, and when the time comes for it to meet your sweet little pussy, it's going to be in you every second of the day." I growl, bringing my mouth to her ear and biting it, "would you like that Peaches? Huh?"
"Mhmmm, yes! Yes, yes, yes! Please," she moans, bringing her head to my shoulder.
"Soon Peaches, real soon," I kiss her head. Her walls quiver around my fingers, making me pump faster. She moans in my ear as she cums all over my fingers. I slow down my pumps to draw out her orgasm, leaving her shaking against me. Once I'm sure she's done, I pull my fingers out and bring them to my lips, licking them. I groan in ecstasy. Her pussy is just as sweet as her mouth.
I wrap my arms around her, holding her close. I nuzzle my head into her neck and she lets out a breathless laugh.
"Easy there Fish Sticks, give a girl a break, would ya?" She says, making me laugh. I remove my head and match her smile. She brings a hand up my face and gently brings it down to hers, giving me a sweet kiss. "That was amazing."
I chuckle before pecking her nose, "there's so much more that I want to show you. But unfortunately, I have to get you back home." Looking around, it is now dark.
"Oh wow," she says in amazement.
"Hold on to me tight Peaches," she does as I say and wraps her arms around my neck tightly. I put one hand on her back and flick my other hand behind me, making us pass through the water at a steady speed. I hear her sweet gasp by my ear, making me smile. It takes us about twenty minutes to reach where she can touch.
I let her down gently and smirk at her, "there's no way that you would have made it back here without me." She rolls her eyes at me.
"Don't flatter yourself Fish Sticks," she gives me a coy smile and crosses her arms over her chest, bringing my attention to her bare tits and bare ... well, everything.
"Fuck no," I growl out before making a little circle with my finger, making the seaweed and shells make a makeshift bikini. She gapes at me in surprise but all I say is , "nobody gets to see you like this but me."
She smiles at me sweetly, grabbing my face once again and giving me a kiss. "Don't worry Fish Sticks, I'll only be like this for you."
"Damn right," I growl against her mouth. I pull back reluctantly and pat her butt. "We'll finish this soon Peaches, I promise."
"But how?" She asks curiously, tilting her head to the side.
Her reaction makes me smirk, "you'll find out soon enough." I wink at her before slowly backing away, our hands slowly dropping from each other. "You better get going, it's late."
She sighs but nods, she looks up at me one last time and says, "goodbye Fish Sticks," before she walks up to the beach. I watch her for a few more minutes before she is gone from my sight. I sigh and turn around, diving underwater.
I think I just found the one.

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