Chapter 04: Holo smack down

Start from the beginning

Lune then sat down beside the 2 cubs as he began stroking their heads.

"Recover fast, ok you two, after that I promise we will have lots of fun, then who knows... maybe after that we can set you all free again." Lune said.

In the 3 days he began working at the stable Lune and the Wolf dragon family grew close, he treated them as another part of his family while they treated him as another member of theirs, just a day ago Beo and Lune spared lightly to ensure that the head of the pact was on a road to full recovery, Tia has now seen Lune as another son of hers and began to snuggle and disturb him when he is cleaning their enclosure, while the cubs -who are mostly laying on their nest due to their recovery- now sees Lune as an irreplaceable brother.

However the Zynogre family isn't the only ones he grew close to, whenever Selen and Elira are free they would often visit Lune and the dragons, Elira would say encouraging things while Selen would just tease him and bully him a bit, but Lune would always have a great recovery, Mysta was also another persom he grew closer to since they live at the same complex, along with Amelia and Maria, however despite being in this world for a few days now he hasn't met anyone else from his complex apart from Mysta and Amelia... he didn't even know who his other neighbour was.

The workers of the stable were also very kind to him, since he was from the mountain he didn't know how to use technology, he even has a hard time using a refrigerator or a vending machine, luckily for him many of his coworkers were patient with him and slowly but surely he is begging to understand technology a little bit.

After his little reminiscing session he saw that both cubs were now finished drinking and are now fast asleep, he then grabbed his stuff and went outside, there he saw the parents snuggled together near the beach portion of their enclosure and were fast asleep, he then smiled as he took the scraps away and began cleaning the enclosure once more.

"Hey you busy?" A voice called.

Lune looked above and saw Selen leaning near the railings of the enclosure.

"Just a bit of cleaning, then I'm off for a quick soda break, why?" Lune asked.

"No reason, Elira was busy with a collab with Vox, and I don't have anything planned so I am bored." Selen said.

A few days ago Selen and Elira revealed that they are also Vtubers from an agency called Nijisanji which Mysta, Shu, Fulgur, and Maria were all part of.

"Awwww... ish the widdle baby wonewy?" Lune said.

"Hahaha shut up you idiot and come join me for a sandwich." Selen said with a smile.

"Haha don't mind if I do." Lune replied.

He then walked towards the sleeping Zynogre mother and gave her a pat, the mom -upon feeling her sons pat- woke up.

"I'm going to eat for awhile, when I get back you two have do drink another medicine ok." Lune said.

Tiamat only gave a low hum as she licked Lunes face then returned to her sleep.

Lune smiled and shook his head, he then returned the cleaning materials and feeding equipment to his storage room as he walked towards the exit with Selen waiting for him by the entrance.

"About time." She said with a smirk.

"Yeah, Yeah." Lune replied as the 2 walked towards the cafeteria.

"So what have you been up to these past few days?" Lune said as they began walking.

"Just the usual, streaming, training, and winning." Selen said with confidence.

A sheep in wolf's clothing (Selen Tatsuki[Nijisanji EN] x OC) Where stories live. Discover now