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I felt Finn shake my back a little telling me to wake up "y'know you're a cute sleeper" he held up his phone to show me a picture of me sleeping
"What the fuck finn delete that" I whined
"Nah I'm good" he put his phone back and walked out the class

So I ran after him "Finn give me your phone or delete it" and he simply responded with no so I tried to grab it but he moved and started to run down the hall so I chased him

"Finn don't make me say your nick name now!" I yelled at him "don't you dare"
"Then give me the phone" he looked like he was thinking "nah the nickname isn't that bad" and he ran again

"Finny give me the damm phone" I yelled and everyone in the hall stared as he ran all the way down the hall "finny stop and give me the phone" he went by my brother and got his phone out to show him the picture and Devin started to laugh

"That's not funny I look weird when I sleep" I whined yet again "oh come on you don't look bad" finn assured me Devin gave me a look then mouthed "me and you are talking later" I just nodded

When I went to walk again and winced "oh Ech is it your leg again I can go get pain meds from the nurse if you want" Devin said I nodded "yes please my leg now hurts like a bitch" Devin gave me the look "watch your mouth"
"Sir yes sir" he smiled and shook his head "ima be right back stay here"

Finn turned to me "is your leg ok I'm sorry for making you run I'll delete the picture if you want?" Aww he really is sweet "no no it's ok it was kinda fun and I guess you can keep the picture" I playfully rolled my eyes he smiled

Then he brought his mouth to my ear "I can actually make your eyes roll back like that if you want me to" he quickly moves away "ewww I'm sorry I read that once in a book so I though it was hot never again" I bursted out laughing I swear it was a full minute when I finally settled down "no I'm sorry like what book was this burn it and never say something like that again" he smiled "oh trust me I didn't even finish it" I was just about to say something when Devin finally came

"Here Ech I brought two pain killers and a water take it fast because your next class is going to start" I quickly took the meds and thanked him "I'll walk you to your next class because it's the next door from mine" Finn said

I didn't even have to time to respond when he was pulling me down the hall "damm why you gotta be so strong"
"I don't like when you cuss" I raised my eyebrow "why and damm isn't a curse word"
"Because I like it when your a goodie two shoes and yes it is depends on how you use it in a sentence" I laughed "I didn't know you were so smart" he just shook his head

Finn dropped me off in my class but we had a sub today so it was basically a free class so I just laid my head down for the rest of class

It was finally lunch and I had Devin Cary me to the lunch room I was still thinking about what Devin said was I really fat I don't think I am but Devin said it so now I'm not sure
I didn't get anything for lunch I just walked in and sat on my phone that was until Finny came

"You're not gonna eat" I shook my head "no I don't really feel the best" I lied and he just hummed "so Finn are we friends because I would love to be friends with you I feel like we just connect y'know" I tilted my head and Finns eyes lit up "yeah, yeah we are definitely friends" he blushed with his eyes I could stare in them forever

"Finn I really love your eyes I can't help but stare into them" he blushed again he has a problem with blushing "finny you blush a lot"
"Hm I do?" I nodded

"You mentioned you read are you reading anything now?" I asked "I do read but not a lot and no I'm not reading anything right now are you?"
"Nope I mean I also like to read but I mainly read in the summer or on school breaks"

Me and Finn continued to talk all the way though lunch we talked about anything and everything he also brought me to my class and now it was gym this is going to be fun

I changed into my gym clothes so now you can see a big plaster on my thigh I was going to talk with the Coach to see if I could sit out
"Uh coach may I sit out today as you can I have an injury so I can't do anything" he gave me one good look and said "if you don't have a doctors note then you can't sit out now go"

I was so mad right now like bitch but whatever my leg didn't hurt so I fine
Blah blah blah the coach went on about how to play dodgeball yeah no fucking way was I going to play so I walked out

I was now wondering the halls I was going down the 6th 7th and 8th side of the school

I was just walking down looking at my old teachers classes when some kid bumped into me "Woah kid you ok?" I asked him
"Oh yeah sorry I didn't mean to bump into you"
"No it's ok uh what grade are you in I'll walk you back"
"I'm in 6th what grade are you in because you look way older" I laughed
"Yeah I'm in 11th but let's go what class you got"
"Uh I really don't want to go back in" he scratched the back of his head
"Why not y'know learning is pretty important"
"No I like school it's just I don't like the people"
"Ohh yeah I get you kid well don't let them get to you sometimes you may have to push back and fight them" his eyes widened "buddy no I'm kidding but really don't listen to what they are saying ok I'll walk you to your class alright"

He told me his teacher and I realized that she was my old teacher "yo she was my teacher too so I'll speak to her about this alright" he nodded

We reached his class and I opened the door
"Oh mr Dallas what a fun surprise seeing you in this class and oh my is this mrs Quinn what are you doing here"

"Oh I was just dropping off my friend in this class have a great rest of the day bud" I gave him a hug and said "remember don't feed in what they say" and I left the room

The bell was now about to ring and I was just sitting by my locker waiting for school to end and like 30 seconds after the bell rung finally school was over..

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